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"WHY IS she wearing a veil?"

"Is that the rumored lost prince? No wonder that the King of Monakre Kingdom finally stepped foot in the empire."

"Why is the second prince sitting at Lady Victoria's table?"

"Did she do it? Last time she was the one who was targeted, right?"

"Maybe it was all a farce. She's too far from the late Duchess."

Ha! Of course, I am different from the late Duchess. I was once named Talia, who ruled Saint Martin's High School, and I've fought social norms since I entered high school.

Lifting her veil, Tori stood up as King Elphaim Eckrett raised his hand to silence the murmurs that engulfed the courtroom. This also served as a signal to summon the accused to the center where she would defend her case.

She looked like a bride in black, no, with her red eyes she looked like a bride from hell. How cliché.

The King also nodded to another side, making Sabina rose from her seat as the victim of this trial. Victim, my ass.

Tori stood at the center of a hundred judging eyes. Her eyes glanced at the two kings for a split second, which did not go unnoticed by King Elphaim. The latter already knew that Victoria Rozenreff was the new member of the aristocratic faction.

Sabina, on the other hand, stood from her seat and faced the king with her anxious face. Sabina hunched her shoulders as she clutched her handkerchief to her chest.

You look like a female lead in this angle, dear sister.

"Lady Sabina Rozenreff and Lady Victoria Rozenreff, perform the oath of honestly."

What a load of bullshit.

The two ladies spoke the oath that every person who stood before the noble trial uttered. They placed their right hand to where their hearts laid and spoke at the same time.

"I, Victoria Rozenreff, first of my name and the eldest daughter of the House Rozenreff, pledge my noble name to only say the truth in the name of the Goddess Gaia and the Empire's Blessed Sun, King Elphaim Eckrett."

"I, Sabina Rozenreff, first of my name and the second daughter of the House Rozenreff, pledge my noble name to only say the truth in the name of the Goddess Gaia and the Empire's Blessed Sun, King Elphaim Eckrett."

After uttering her oath, Sabina sat again while Tori remained standing at the very center of the courtroom. "To present the evidence against the accused, I call the Marquess Zoliel to the center."

Marquess Zoliel immediately stood. His face held smug confidence as she walked towards the podium where Tori was standing like a statue. "At the night where Lady Sabina was poisoned with Arasthai, the knights found the locket where the poison was hidden in the room of Lady Victoria. Since we discovered immediately that Lady Sabina was poisoned, the entire Rozenreff estate became subject to a search warrant. Two hours later, the poison-covered locket was found in Lady Victoria's room. What gave Lady Victoria the motive to kill her sister is the fact that Duke Rozenreff summoned Lady Victoria on the afternoon of that day to tell her that Lady Sabina would inherit the Duchy. All the servants present at that time are the witnesses when Lady Victoria lashed out from the announcement." The cunning Marquess Zoliel was circling Tori. Every time his eyes met hers, Marquess Zoliel would give Tori a mocking smile. As if he's telling her that, she already lost the game.

Aah, I want to cherish your smug-looking face, Marquess Zoliel before I replace it with utter despair.

Chaos erupted inside the courtroom. The audience had something to say from the information they heard. They all looked at Sabina with sympathy as someone who suffered greatly at the hands of her evil half-sister. They also looked at Tori with disdain without even giving the latter a chance to defend herself.

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