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THE RIDE back to the estate was quiet and uncomfortable. Lily was still adjusting to this newest hobby of hers, which involved coats and back alleys. Rowan, on the other hand, was skeptical of the reason why she had to change carriage just to visit the Turvy. He didn't entirely doubt her, but he was more on the worried side that this thing may endanger Tori.

Tori was grateful that the two weren't asking anything. These two were her trusted aides, so they needed to know this. They also needed to know where the Turvy was located and who was in charge of that place in case Tori wanted to send a confidential message.

When they safely arrived at the estate, Tori saw the familiar crest of the Castaña Dukedom on a carriage.

No way! It is too early for the Duke to arrive!

She unknowingly snapped her attention from the window to Rowan. "Lady Tori?"

No! It's too early! His loyalty to me is not yet that strong to forsake his family for me!

Tori, with no help, descended from the carriage and went straight inside the manor. Lily and Rowan were hot in her heels and were both wondering what was wrong.

"Is something wrong, Lady Tori?" Lily asked her, but she didn't reply, not until Teresa confirmed the facts.

Tori dashed towards the head maid, Teresa. "Is the Duke of Castaña Duchy here, Teresa?"

"Lady Victoria, you've arrived. And no, Duke Castaña is not here but Lady Elisa."

So that wench is targeting the Duchess instead of the Marchioness, huh? What a smart move.

"Are they in the drawing-room having some tea, Teresa?"

"Yes, Lady Victoria."

Tori smiled sweetly at Teresa, though her eyes hid the wickedness she felt. "I must greet Lady Elisa then."

Tori turned to Rowan and charmingly smiled at him. "You can rest now, Rowan. And thank you for guarding me."

"Lily, bring the ribbons to my room. I'll have to visit my dear sister whom I missed so much and greet our guest."

"Yes, Lady Tori."

This should be fun. You've been building this friendship for a month as a contingency plan since I wrecked your plan with the Marchioness. I'm curious sister dearest, what will be your next move when I wreck again this so-called friendship of yours?

Tori's friendly smile greeted the two ladies who were chatting while having tea in the playroom. Lady Elisa stood up to greet Tori while Sabina was not happy before she masked her actual feelings with fake enthusiasm.

"A pleasant afternoon, Lady Victoria."

Tori replied to Elisa's charming courtesy with an equally perfect one. "Please have a seat, Sister Victoria."

Instead of replying, Tori hugged the wench. Tori and Sabina were picture-perfect loving siblings, but if anyone would hear their inner thoughts. They would surely crack up.

"Please enjoy your stay here, Lady Elisa." Tori took her seat, which was adjacent to Elisa and directly in front of Sabina. The kitchen maids served her tea. Tori hated teas, but she had to pretend that she loved them, but if only she could choose, she'd rather have caffeine.

"Yes, I am enjoying my stay, Lady Victoria."

"How's the Duke and Duchess, Lady Elisa? It's been a while since I visited your estate."

A dim expression passed by Elisa's face before smiling like nothing. Tori glanced at Sabina and she didn't say it, but she couldn't let her guard down with her 'saintly' half-sister.

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