he falls asleep on you

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The sound of the front door opening and closing caused you to lift your head and turn away from the book on your lap. When you turned your head, you saw Jungkook kicking his shoes off by the door and watched his eyes light up when yours locked with his deep brown ones.

The book that had your attention throughout most of your day off so far suddenly became the last thing on your mind. You got up from the sofa and walked over to your boyfriend. He opened his arms for you to walk into when you were close enough and held you tightly when you were secure in his embrace.

"Missed you today." He said and went to kiss your head, only for you to lift it and make his lips hit yours instead. It made his lips tug into a smile against your own and you placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat against your palm.

"Missed you too." You said as you pulled away, only to leave a kiss on the tip of his nose as you cupped his cheeks in your hands. Finally, you got a good look at him and the bags under his eyes. "You look tired."

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at the clock before looking back at you with a gaze of adoration in his eyes.

"A little. But this is the first evening that I've been home early enough to have some quality time with my girl, so sleep will wait." He said and took your hand into his.

He brought it to his lips as he led you up the stairs and then dropped your hand once you reached the top to lay it on the small of your back instead.

When you reached the bed, he threw himself onto it then tugged at your hand to bring you on top of him. You giggled as you buried your face in his neck and felt him put his arms around you. His grip was tight from the second they were around you, but not nearly tight enough to hurt you.

You breathed in his comforting smell as he brushed his hand along your back.

"What do you wanna do? We've got so much time together." He said with a sparkle in his eyes. Although he didn't want to let you go, when you rolled out of his arms he pulled them away from you and watched as you reached for the remote.

"How about we have a movie night? I know you've been wanting to watch some films."

He yawned before nodding and watching as you turned on a movie you know he's been wanting to see.

He kept his gaze straight ahead on the tv as he paid close attention to the movie. It was only when you took ahold of his tattooed hand and tugged on it that he looked your way.

"Hm?" He smiled and watched you wave your finger to get him to come closer and closer until you could push his head gently and made it fall against your shoulder.

"There." You said as you stared down at him.

"I wanna hold you." He pouted.

"You hold me all the time during our movie nights. Let me hold onto you." You spoke softly and moved to comb your fingers through his hair.

You passed it off as being affectionate. He always plays with your hair, always loves on you, and makes you feel better when you're sleepy or need to be shown some affection. But secretly, you knew he'd close his eyes and begin to melt into your touch. You know he'd soon have no choice but to give in to the sleep his body craved.

He paid close attention to the movie until he felt his eyes begin to grow heavy. He turned to look up at you and wordlessly kept his adoring gaze on you and your sweet smile before he let his eyes slip shut.


"No." He quickly answered. "Just resting my eyes."

You shook your head with a giggle. He's obviously close to falling asleep and you weren't gonna stop him.

"If you say so."

He just hummed and reached for your free hand before intertwining your fingers together. You watched his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks and watched a sleepy smile tug at his lips when you leaned down and kissed his cheek lovingly.

You continued to give him some affection, from brushing your fingers through his hair and scratching the top of his head, to give him soft kisses and brushing your thumb along his knuckles.

"Don't let me sleep too long. I really want to spend some time with you." He mumbled sleepily and you just promised that you wouldn't before becoming silent as he drifted off to sleep.

But he couldn't fall asleep without saying one last thing to you.

"I love you lots."

"Love you lots more." You whispered softly and watched his chest rise and fall steadily as he fell asleep, feeling cozy and content curled up so close to you.

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