Chapter two

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Anna woke with a sharp pain in her neck as she went to rub sore spot on her neck she was stoped immediately my a ruff itchy fabric, Anna knew what it was before she even had to open her eyes. 'Fucking straight jacket'. She open her eyes not surprised to see the warn faded padded roof of the room. Anna used her body weight to swing her self up into a sitting position. She had to rest her head on the soft wall next to her, as her vision was spinning around the room and her head felt like it had been run over with a train.

'Fucking hell, this is all your fault' Anna screamed at her other half mentally. There was a moment of silence before the harsh voice filled her head and ears.

'Yea well if you could stand up for yourself then maybe I wouldn't of had to come out in the first place', Anna lent back against the wall welcoming its soft touch.

'Well, what do you expect, he is the Joker you don't just get into a fight with him'. Before crow could say anything to defend her actions the door to the room opened with the sound of a loud buzz,Anna cursed as the sound made her ears ring and head pound even more.

Dr crane walked through the door looking as his patient with what people would assume to be pity, but Dr. Jonathan crane being a master of manipulation, was thinking for how perfect the fear on her face looked, she would be his most exciting experiment yet.

"Anna how are you feeling?, do you remember what happened after the interview with your sister". Crane purposely brought up the interview knowing that it was a trigger for her. The young woman desperately wanted to be acknowledged by her parents, and that is were he would start in twisting her mind.

Anna sat up lifting her back of the wall to look at him in the eyes. "Yes, the Joker was taunting me". Anna let out a sigh of annoyance. "I lost control and Ruby broke free". The fear was written over the girls face tears began to well in her soft hazel eyes.

"Oh god, he's going to kill me", Anna screamed at her doctor. As the tears now running down her face a full panic attack hitting Anna.
Jonathan crouched down in front of her, "Anna, calm down". Crane cupped her face staring into her watery eyes. It took a moment for her breathing to become normal.

"that's it breath in and out" Jonathan calmly instructed her, As Anna's breathing started to calm down, Jonathan placed his hand under her chin lifting her head so that they could both look at each other.

"I can help protect you from the Joker, you just have to trust me and help me with something", before Jonathan could continue speaking Anna interrupts him. Anna remembered the last time some one crossed the joker they were sent to the infirmary for more than a couple of weeks. Some how he had gotten a scalpel from one of the operating rooms, this guy had been stabbed multiple time but that didn't compare to the horrific smile carved into his face.

"Yes anything doctor Crane ill do anything". Anna cried out her face slipping from his grip tears dropped onto the padded floor. A sinister Smile spread across Jonathan's face. 'This is perfect Crane, now, do it now.'
Crane adjusted his glasses 'hold on not here my friend'.

" very well then, Anna". Jonathan walked behind his patient and helped her up to her feet as soon a Dr, Crane agreed to help her a wave of relief washed over her.

"Anna, I will have to move you into my privet wing so I can keep a close eye on you. Ill have an orderly get your belongings from your old room". Jonathan lead Anna into the elevator pressing the basement button Anna felt her head spinning as if she was going to faint.

"Anna are you alright" Jonathan asked with a mocking expression Anna could only look at the ground her head becoming heavy.
"Don't worry, its just the tranquilliser wearing off, ill make sure to give you some medicine when we reach my office". Anna could help but lean against Jonathan's shoulder . "Mmm". Was all Anna could say as everything around her begins to spin.

Jonathan was at a lost for words know one had leaded on his shoulder before, let-alone a woman . Anna was barely awake her eyes began to close unaware of the danger she was in.

Jonathan couldn't help but admire her looks her pale skin and long brown hair that slipped over her face as she began to rest her eyes in an attempt to stop the spinning. With out realising it Jonathans hand reached out to sweep the hair from her face. The sound of the elevators bell dinging caused Jonathan to snap out of what ever trance he was in.

Scarecrows laughter filled his ears, anger flowed over Jonathan he walked forward almost causing Anna to fall to the floor.

"Come Anna, we don't have all day". Anna couldn't help but let out a groan as the spinning became even worse than before.

"Jonny what the hell are you doing!!" Scarecrows harsh voice screamed at him.

'I don't know what you are talking about'. Jonathan guided Anna down a dark hallway the lights flickered on and off.

"Poor Jonny, how sad that the only woman to show any form of comfort around you is in a asylum and what's even sadder is that you, the maser of fear clearly has a soft spot for his little pet".

Jonathan gritted his teeth, 'I'm not sure what you mean by 'soft spot' she is no different from my other test subjects'. Jonathan opened the door to his office guiding Anna to a seat in front of his desk.

"Sure that's why you reached to pull her hair out of her face, Jonny you know better than to lie to me after all I am you". Scarecrows voice hissed in Jonathan's head a headache of his own forming.

Jonathan opened the top draw of his desk to relive a green vile and a syringe, the label on the bottle read number one. Jonathan filled the syringe with his 'medicine'. Before walking around to his patient moving Anna's hair away from her neck Jonathan placed the syringe into her pale skin.

"Anna its time for your medicine". Jonathan smiled wickedly As he pushed the plunger of the syringe down .

Anna was barely awake as her head lulled into leather of the dark green chair. Her face begging to from expressions of horror as screams followed. Jonathan couldn't stand the thought of Scarecrow trying to get a rise out of him, there was no way this woman would get in the way of his plans, he would make sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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