Chapter one

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Jonathan walked down the the dark quite hallway toward his office,The sound of his footsteps echoed of the walls . The slightest hint of a grin could be seen on his face.  he was thinking about his next patient interview, Anna willow's. Jonathan has been her psychiatrist since she was admitted when she was sixteen years old. Anna had been arrested and brought to Arkham after she had attacked a girl, at school burning, her face.

'So Jonny, what fun things do we have planed for our next test subject?' Scarecrow asked followed a short laugh.

Jonathan looked around making sure nobody was around to hear him talk to his other personality.

"You know she is a very deferent from our other patients". Jonathan approached his office door.

'It's been four years how much longer am I going to have to wait to see her deepest fears?' Scarecrow growled.

"Oh, it wont be long now". Jonathan opened his office door, the first thing he noticed was the back of a woman's head, her dark brown hair was a similar colour to his own ,She was sitting in front of his desk, her arms strapped down to the arms of the chair.

"Good morning,Dr Crane". Anna didn't turn to face him she remained as she was, Jonathan smiled slightly as he closed his office door. Jonathan adjusted his glasses before taking a seat and looking through some notes that hand been made about Anna since her last session.

"How are you feeling this morning, Anna". Anna made eye contact before smiling at him, "I'm very excited my sister is coming to visit today". Jonathan nodded before flicking through some more papers on his desk.

"Yes, she has been approved for visiting". Jonathan interlocked his fingers and leaned forward on his desk and make eye contact. "That's why I have booked you in for another session with me this afternoon".

Anna let out a small chuckle causing Jonathan to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Nothing says happy birthday like double therapy". there was something hidden behind his eyes. A knock came from the office door there was a Gard standing in the door way he looked at the young woman before letting the doctor know why he had interrupted there session.

"Dr Crane, there is a visitor here for Anna" The Gard tried to avert his eye from meeting Crane's line of sight. With a sigh of annoyance he looked at the Gard.

"Of course she is here early".Jonathan looked at the Gard as if her arriving early was his fault, Anna smiled knowing she sister was already here and she would be getting out of her first session.

"well looks like we will have to finish this session here, then Dr Crane". Jonathan narrowed his eyes at the Gard.

"Hope your visit goes well, Dear". Jonathan said as the Gard lead her out of the room if either of them where looking at the Doctor they would of seen a dark smile spread across his face.

"Well that was rather boring Jonny". Scarecrow snickered. "Jonny what's with the smile what do you have to be happy about". Jonathan began reading the visitors list for today.

"Well you see, Anna is going to be rather disappointed when she realises that her parents aren't coming today". Scarecrow growled "and what dose that have to do with finding out her fears".

Jonathan rolled his eyes "she will be so upset that her mother and farther aren't visiting, she will be so close to going over the edge that all she will need is small push l, and she will come falling into our hands". Jonathan opened the bottom draw for his desk and pulled out a burlap mask pride filled him as scarecrow laughed.

'And then our fun begins'.

The guard lead Anna down the hallway to the visitors room, the sound of the door unlocking sent a wave of utter happiness wash over her, if she wasn't being held by a guard she would of ran to the back table where she could just see her sister.

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