seven | sisterly advice

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"Ugh, finally you're home." Ivy heard from a distance, she turned around to see her sister lying limply on the couch in an awfully uncomfortable position. "Can you give me water?"

"So I'm guessing the hangover's doing well." Ivy smiled, shaking her head as she chuckled at her sister's dramatic behaviour. "You did have a lot to drink last night considering you went clubbing again."

"Yeah, I never learn my lesson." The older blonde huffed, she was indeed similar to Ivy in all sorts of ways, but especially in recklessness. "Wait, what's wrong."

Ivy turned around in confusion, yes something was irritating her, but no one ever noticed when she was stressed. "You're wearing father's jumper, you only do that when you're upset." She heard footsteps became heavier towards her. Now touching the oversized hoodie she'd always wear absentmindedly.

"Now tell me." Julia demanded with the last authority she had left before she returned to a slump on the couch. "What's on your mind."

"More like who's on my mind." Ivy rolled her eyes at just the thought of the woman, how in an instant she could change her attitude, let alone her way of showing her thoughts. "I don't get her. It looks like she wants one thing but she doesn't, then whenever I feel like I'm getting to her, she just snaps."

Julia knew Ivy very well, she was the only person that Ivy would turn to in a time of need, instead of the motherly figure they grew up without. With their parent's divorce and moving away to another country, it was hard for Ivy to cooperate without breaking down every second. With no parental figure, Julia had to act like one, therefore her sister had some sort of comfort.

"Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't wanna let you in, you know, for your own safety?" The older girl suggested, her advice was mainly the lessons she had to learn the hard way in the society of love. "Or there's something that's holding her back."

Indeed something was holding Ms Valentine back, not just the fact that she was her student, but many other things. Before the year started, she had many problems with her fiancée because apparently, the man didn't love her the way he wanted to.

These problems grew into bigger arguments, thus leading to a toxic relationship where Blake always came back to her fiancèe in an effort to heal their relationship. She clung onto him, but he was the one to let her fall.

Ivy also had her demons, but they never surfaced enough to mend. No matter who affected her, she dealt with them, even if it scarred her in the process. One relationship was all it took for Ivy to come crashing down from her high, so then she replaced her pain with sex and booze, as the typical teenagers did.

In this process, she found herself straying away from her family, even Jules. She stopped contacting her father, blocked her mother's rehab phone number, and isolated herself from Julia in an attempt to find some time for herself to realise what she had done. Julia noticed her off behaviour, so she wanted to help, and she did, all it took was some time.

Ivy's behaviour didn't change, but the way she thought of other's did. The way she realised her mistakes and grudges all appeared to be an obstacle for her, one that she overcame in time.

"Should I give up?" The younger Bonde questioned, her eyes dulling the last glint of hope.

Julia looked at her baby sister, at no point did she ever back down. "Fight for her, Vee. Make her want you, and if that doesnt work, make her realise that letting you go was a mistake."

Mentally, Ivy smiled, her emotions were still not clear, but her motive was.

• • •

Afternoon gone, Luca and Ivy were found in 'The Hound's Pub' once again, planning to drink until they couldn't walk straight or simply get laid. With Julia not attending tonight's rounds, Ivy and Luca were free to do whatever they wanted without having Julia interrupting or worse enough, getting drunk with them.

"If that brunette doesn't stop checking me out, I swear to God I'll give her head right now." Luca exaggerated slightly, getting a shocked gaze from her friend. "What?"

"And here I thought you only fucked guys." Ivy spoke, shaking her head from her friend's sudden blunt statement. 

"I swing both ways, babes." Luca smiled, downing the rest of her shot as she cringed a second later. "Don't be jealous though, I won't steal all the girls."

Ivy rolled her eyes at the girl's sense of humour. "Take them, I'm playing with one already." She replied, hopping off the stool, leaving her friend confused.

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" Ivy vaguely heard Luca question from the secluded table already reserved for their presence.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw the one person she came for was luckily working tonight. Having a sister that owns the bar has its advantages when it comes down to shift arrangements.

Blake's eyes darkened just at the sight of Ivy, and guilty, she never looked away even when she tried to pull herself away. Distantly, Blake saw the girl, she saw how she never paid attention to her, yet she had a feeling her actions were for a purpose.

After a short moment, Luca found Ivy dancing with a swarm of people, she smiled at her friend's carefree personality and decided to join as their favourite song played through the speakers.

A.N - play like slowed songs rn cause that's what im doing :p

Feet beginning to tire, throats becoming more soar from singing loudly and eyes trained on Ivy and Luca, the dancefloor was a place of mischief and envy. Ivy became lost in the music, she finally felt the alcohol hit her senses, blurring them perfectly so the strobe lights were distorted flawlessly.

On the other hand, Luca was entirely drunk, she slurred her words and she shamelessly checked out every person in the club, even Ivy. Luca was never confused about what she felt about Ivy, she knew she could never commit with her best friend, but it didn't stop her from doing things she never did sober.

Being tipsy had its advantages, but just for tonight, Ivy focused on not becoming drunk, after all, she didn't just come to the club for a night out, she came for somebody else. Her eyes beginning to feel weighted, Ivy danced with her eyes shut, enjoying how the lights still penetrated through her eyelids and her mind spiralled around the music that played loudly.

"Ivy?" Luca yelled over the music, the scent of alcohol rioted her sweet perfume.

Opening her eyes, Ivy assumed Luca to continue, but what she did wasn't out of the ordinary.

Unexpectedly, she felt warm lips on her, one she recognised as Luca's because of the way she'd move against her friend's lips. She felt warm hands wrap around the girl's waist, playing with the skin that was exposed because of her outfit. 

As much as she enjoyed a woman's lips on hers, she could never physically do it with Luca, and if she did, she would never forgive herself. "Luca." Ivy said, separating their lips and hearing a simple groan from the older girl.

"You're drunk, go to the booth and drink some water. I'll send someone over while I freshen up." Ivy calmly directed her friend, guiding Luca since she could barely use her feet to do a simple task. "Use your feet, Luca."

"Which o-one?" Luca questioned, her head tilting upwards enough to be face-to-face with Ivy once again only to find her laughing at how stupid she sounded. 

Without another word, Ivy disappeared towards the bathroom, leaving her friend at the booth with Sage, who might I add, struggled with ordering the older girl to drink anything that didn't smell like vodka.

Blake took this opportunity to finally talk to Ivy, especially after what she witnessed.

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