six | pulled back from the moment

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"Okay it's not my fault I couldn't come yesterday, I was busy..." Luca had defended herself, trying to walk in a straight line as sweaty bodies travelled in the hallways, taking over each given space.

Ivy scoffed at the weak attempt to make an excuse. "Yeah, busy sucking some guy's di-"

Before the blonde could finish her sentence, Luca stopped her as she quickly placed her hand over the girl's mouth. "Yep, that's enough."

The younger blonde swatted her friend's hand away, "You're just cut cause I'm right." Ivy's smile was innocently displayed as the two walked into their third-period class, good old 'English II'.

As usual, Ms Valentine greeted each student that walked into her class, saying a simple notice before the students found their seats. Trailing behind Luca, the Bonde was the last to enter, Ms Valentine acknowledged her with a smaller smile than before, she gave the girl a deathly look, a less friendly one that she was usually used to.

The lesson began shortly after, fifty minutes to spend worrying about classwork Ivy knew was just another inconvenience to her. With Ms Valentine sparing no second glance to her, not even a moment of notice, making the girl strangely disappointed.

• • •

"You." Ivy turned around to see Ms Valentine pointing a finger at her figure. "Stay back."

The two blondes looked at each other, Luca was confused while Ivy just shrugged at the woman's behaviour. She obeyed hesitantly, watching as everyone flooded the hallways in a rush, pushing past the freshmen as they crowded around the cafeteria. 

"Remind me again why you made me stay back. Did you miss me already?" Tilting her head, Ivy spoke out of the blue, her eyes locking with unusually lifeless orbs. Uncertainty clouded Ivy's vision, the girl's usual banter normally had an effect on the woman, apparently not anymore.

"You need to stop doing that." Blake sighed, noting the distance set between the two, weary that they were still in a relatively public area.

"Doing what, Blake?" Ivy taunted further, her motives still unknown to the woman.

"I advise you to stop flirting with me, it'll end poorly, and I don't want you to get hurt." There was a part of Blake doubting herself, she wanted Ivy in ways that wouldn't be appropriate for their relationship as a student and teacher, but her morals came first at times like these. "Your little crush ends now, and so does your taunts. My patience for you has fallen."

"Am I suppose to stop just from a lecture coming from you?" The girl laughed, her body moving closer to the woman who kept a distance from her as if she had something contagious, and in this case, it was feelings. "You should know that I never back down from a challenge, especially if it's coming from you."

"Ivy." The woman warned, her voice commanding a name she was guiltily fond of. "You..."

Blake was confusing herself, at no times did she ever settle for one decision, she always had to have both. But at this moment, she wanted her student to stop before she'd have to pay for giving into Ivy. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

Amused, Ivy tilted her head. "And that's exactly why I'm doing this, Blake." 

In a short time, Blake hadn't noticed the small gap that was formed between the two, all because Ivy had her where she wanted. Ivy could feel the tension, it could be cut by a knife. With her body moving on its own, Ivy had connected their lips, tasting a flavour of lust she couldn't get with anyone else.

Blake didn't know what to do at this point in time, her choices were limited and the publicity view was undeniably low considering the closed door and windows. Her mouth moved for her, the flutter only intensified as their lips moved as one, creating an unshakable bond. She could only focus on how soft she felt against her mouth, how addictively Ivy invaded all her senses. 

A string of the woman pulled her back, making her come back to her senses after the short-lived moment of a flutter of youth that ran through her veins, pumping more intensity in the woman's body. Pulling away, Blake opened her eyes to see the girl smirking, a smile she always despised.

"Get out." Blake wavered, her voice hitching in fear for a short second. Her attitude had changed within the first few seconds in which she realised who she gave in to, and the reason behind it. In no world was she supposed to do what she did, it was worrying how Ivy could do such things without a hesitation or a brief moment of time.

Ivy looked at her confused, "What, why-"

"Ivy, GET OUT." Her voice thickened, echoing within the four walls that isolated them from the others, Blake was at her lowest of patience.

She watched as the girl scoffed as she walked away in an empty hallway, "I'm not the child here, Blake, so grow the fuck up and stop acting like there's a stick up your ass." Blake heard from the opened door, a voice she once adored now clouded her thoughts.

Absentmindedly, Blake's fingers skimmed her lips onto where Ivy's laid upon hers. The woman replayed the short moment, remembering how it felt to have the girl's lips locked with hers, the feeling dwelling deep within her suddenly arise in a split second.

Blake had now broken her morals, and some part of her liked it.

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