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As the whistle blew, Theo wiped the sweat off of his forehead with the bottom of his shirt. All he could hear was screams from the crowd, and his coach.

It was intense match.

He couldn't focus.

"THEO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Coach Hale shouted across the field

Theo ignored him as he jogged over to his teammates. He looked up at the crowd, looking for her. He wanted to know if she came. He wanted to see her face.

As, he looked around, Ollie knocked the upside of his head.

"What are you doing?" Ollie asked

"Ouch, what the fuck. I'm just looking" Theo mumbled

"Looking for what? We're going into overtime and we need to win this Theo. Get your head in the fucking game" Ollie exclaimed, as he followed Theo's eyesight

"Well judging by the way you're looking over there, I can see my girl Tiana. So I assume your girl is here too?" Elijah smiled, winking at Tiana

"Wait, she's here? Which one is she?" Ollie asked, completely forgetting he was meant to be lecturing Theo

"You don't need to know" Theo stated

"Ahhh I know exactly which one she is" Ollie smiled

"No you don't" Theo snapped, trying to follow Ollie's eyeline because no way in hell had he found Naomi

"Yeah, we do cause she's the one who's all cuddled up to that other boy and is looking right at us" Elijah pointed out

Theo didn't say anything and instead turned around and started walking over to the bench to grab some water.

"Woah. Theo, just woah" Ollie observed

"No wonder why you're into her Theo" Elijah did a low wolf whistle as he looked at Naomi

"I'm not into her. I just upset her and even if I was, what's with you twos reactions?" Theo grumbled

"Nothing. Nothing at all" Elijah quickly reminded Theo he was simply making an observation, nothing more of it. Theo could like whoever and Naomi was definitely a good looking girl

Theo was pissed off. He was pissed off with them, himself, her, everything and everyone. They couldn't seem to understand that he wasn't into Naomi like that.

He wasn't

He just wasn't

Liking Naomi wasn't in the plan for uni.

She was just a girl who got into his head.

He was pissed off with himself for not being able to focus on the game cause he didn't know if she had turned up. And now he was pissed that she was here. He wanted her there but not with Seb. He wanted it to be like old times when it was just their flat.

He glanced back up in her direction and saw Seb kissing her neck, making her giggle. Theo rolled his eyes and kissed his teeth.

"Alright boys it's 1 all (1-1), we're going into over time, I need all of you... THEO!" Coach Hale yelled, grabbing his attention

"I need all of you to be focused and win this match, you're my boys and I want to be proud" coach sighed, knowing that these boys could piss him off as if they were his own kids, but ultimately that he would be proud of anything they did with how hard they worked

The team nodded, going off and beginning to get themselves into position to resume the match.

"Theo, Ollie and Elijah, get over here now" Coach warned

The three boys stayed back as their teammates wished them luck, with the wrath of their coach.

"Okay I don't know what the fuck has happened to you the past couple of sessions Theo, but you need to straighten yourself out. Stone and Parker, I'm giving you five minutes before we start to say or do whatever you need to, to sort this boy out cause I can't seem to get through that thick skull of his" coach grunted, walking over to the referees to try and have a decent conversation with someone today

"All jokes aside Theo, what's up with you and her?" Elijah asked knowing that if coach was really letting them do this inthe match, Theo wasn't okay

"Nothing" Theo lied

"It's not nothing, you can tell us" Ollie reassured as he hated when Theo wasn't himself

"Fam, it's just that she's here. Like I want her to be so I can talk to her again. But she's here with him and he won't leave her side" He explained, looking back over at Naomi who had Seb glued to her side, whispering in her ear

"Okay, so all you want is to talk to her one to one?" Elijah confirmed

"Yes" Theo breathed out - finally feeling heard

"Alright well all you have to do is fucking win this cause if you were listening to us in the changing rooms before the match, we already been said that you're having a party of we win" Ollie exclaimed

"What the hell does me having a party have to do with me and her?" Theo furrowed his eyebrows

"Well security at your accom won't shut it down cause we're celebrating a win and since we're such good wingmen, we'll distract her man so you can grab her to talk" Elijah explained

"What if she doesn't want to go for a talk" Theo questioned, trying to make the plan bullet proof

"Well then I'll get Tiana to bring her to some room, which you're in and she'll leave you two alone to talk. So is that a good enough plan for you?" Elijah explained

"No, not Tiana. She doesn't know anything, and she doesn't need to know anything about this, right Elijah?" Theo reminded

"Okay, okay I won't tell her" Elijah reassured

"Change of plans, I'll just get Aimee to become besties with her like girls do when they're drunk and then she can take her to the room, okay?" Ollie suggested

"Yeah that's better" Theo agreed

"Great, now show her why you're the team captain" Ollie encouraged - patting Theo on the back as Theo took a swig of his water, taking one more glance over at Naomi

The three boys ran onto the pitch, ready to win.

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