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Naomi was stressed. Her work was piling up and she hadn't been listening in her lectures, she just wanted a break.

She wanted a spliff. She would of called her dealer but she was in a new city, she didn't have any contacts. Naomi sat in her room with her head in her hands, not knowing what to do.

In the midst of her breakdown a knock sounded at her door. She opened it to reveal Drew and Charlie. She didn't speak to them much but she still got along with them. She didn't think she would, as they were the epitome of private school boys, posh and rich. They were still nice to her though.

"We got you a present" they said in unison.

Naomi was confused. She didn't respond as she was still trying to process what they were going to give her. Without hesitation Charlie dug into his pocket and pulled out two spliffs.

Naomi's eyes lit up with joy. It wasn't that she was addicted to weed but she used it to assist her, for certain circumstances. She used it to help her sleep, when she wanted a meal to taste even better than it already did, and to focus on work. She wasn't dependent on it though. She would never get addicted, that's a road she refused to go down.

"Oh my god how did you know?!" She asked in shock. Drew reminded her that she had mentioned it on their first night how she needed to find a dealer for emergencies and they had found some on their courses. They were also stressed and knew that Naomi would be glad to join.

Naomi invited them into her room so that they could smoke. As Naomi got comfortable on her bed, Drew began to shuffle through her wardrobe. She looked at him puzzled. He pulled out one of her oversized jumper and handed it to her.

"Wha..." she begun. Charlie explained that some of their new friends in accommodation also had weed and they were going to smoke it together outside in the courtyard.

Naomi looked down at her attire and then back to the jumper. She was in her pjs. Shorts, a small top and socks. Oh well, she thought. 'A zoot outfit is a zoot outfit'. As she always says. Naomi chucked on the jumper and her sliders and began to make her journey downstairs with the boys.

Whilst waiting for the lift, Elliot came along. Naomi then realised she never asked how many people they were going to be smoking with.

The group approached a table of boys she'd never met before. They all began fist bumping and hugging with Naomi feeling extremely self conscious with her choice of outfit. Drew saw her frozen stature and began to introduce her to the rest of the group, they all said hello. Their names were Chris - who went by the nick name 'Captain'. She wasn't sure why and didn't really care to ask. The others were called Morgan, Jack and Daniel.

They seemed nice. She got passed the spliff first as they all agreed it was the chivalrous thing to do. She inwardly giggled, never in a million years did anyone think chivalry would come to being a girl being handed the spliff first.

As she sparked the spliff and inhaled, she allowed the toxins filling her lungs - her brain feeling fuzzy. It was euphoric, to feel nothing. Even if it was just for a few seconds. Exhaling slowly, she brought the spliff back to her lips again for another toke. After, she passed it along to the next person.

Naomi had a high tolerance for weed so whilst all the boys were giggling, Naomi felt sober.

Ringing pulled her out of her daze of loneliness. It was Elliot's phone. Theo's name flashed onto the screen repeatedly. She forgot that Elliot and Theo were best mates with how close they got over the past month of living together in the same flat.

Elliot answered, muttering few words, explaining their current location. Naomi was passed the spliff once again, knowing that this was nearing the end of their stash. She took her time with it, ensuring it filled her lungs - like she was drowning.

All at once, the boys turned to her, their eyes hooded and bloodshot . She was just about to question why they were all looking at her when she heard a voice. His voice.

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