87. Like A Sex Machine (Em)

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   I have no idea why I like so much watching Sunny eat, but I always find it fascinating. I can stare at him for hours and will never get bored.

   He fills his mouth up to the brim, closes his eyes and snorts in the cutest way, before starting to chew, as if every bite is the best thing he's ever tasted. I don't remember seeing him disliking any kind of food. His enthusiasm never weakens.

   I'm sipping my second cup of coffee, beaming at him. His eyes are fixed on my face, sparkling with affection and totally disarming me, as usual.

   I hope he won't be too angry with me when I ruin this idyllic atmosphere by pointing the elephant in the room, which we've been pretending not to see for too long. It can't be postponed anymore.

   I'm waiting for him patiently to finish his breakfast.

   "Oh Gosh! I ate too much," he huffs. "Now you'll have to roll me up the stairs."

   "Do you want to sleep more?" I smile.

   "No, I had other intentions earlier, but it's off the table now too," he giggles. "Admit that you stuffed me with food because I exhausted you so much, that you can't get it up."

   "What? " I laugh out loudly, sliding down the stool. "Just wait for me to catch you! You didn't learn a thing about playing with fire, did you?"

   "I was kidding!" Sunny shrieks, jumping up and running to the other side of the counter.

   I approach him with a smirk and he starts stepping back with his hands, raised defensively in front of him.

   "Wait! It was a joke!" he squeaks when I grab his waist and pull him towards me.

   "Too late! My sense of humor is absent, right now," I mutter on his lips. "Have you heard the expression 'Fuck'em if they can't take a joke?"

   "Em! You're unbearable," he giggles, placing light kisses on my mouth. "Bad, bad boy!"

'Fellas, I'm ready to get up and do my thing.

I wanta get into it, man, you know.

Like a, like a sex machine, man,

Movin' and doin' it, you know...'

   I start singing, imitating James Brown and make him sway with me in the rhythm. He bursts into laughter, wrapping his arms round my neck.

   But this light mood does not last long.

   Suddenly, his face becomes serious and he blurts, "I know that you researched me on the internet."

   I freeze and my heart immediately drops in my stomach.

   "The laptop on the table was open, I saw the screen," he says quietly, "and I'm pretty sure you were talking to Emma."

   "Sunny, I... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I fumble with the words.

   "Hey, don't panic!" Sunny cups my face in his palms. A sad smile stretches his lips. "I can't believe that I'm the one, saying this now, for the first time since we met. It's always you, soothing me. Look what I've done, Em! I made the most self-confident person, I've ever known, stutter. Do you see now what a trouble I am?"

   "No! Sweetie, no! All you are to me is happiness! I'm sorry! What I did was wrong! I'm not going to defend myself. Please, forgive me!"

   "There's nothing to forgive, Em!" he sighs, pulling away and heading to the sofa. "You sang about you touching the sun. Now you're burned. Don't you see that I've burned you? I made you cry. I made you worry so much, that you broke your own principles. That's what I did."

   He turns to me abruptly and his face startles me. He's angry, sad and frightened at the same time.

   "And now you're stuck with me because I love you and I can't live without you. I'm not going to leave you. And I'll never let you leave me." He takes a big gulp of air and spits as if it's something bad, "You're stuck with me, Em! You'll be punished for being so brave to love me. We'll never cuddle and sleep in each other's arms at night. I'll never dance the night away with you in a club again because I'll be afraid not to fall asleep when we get home. And I can't go and stop this because I need you."

   His whole body is shaking. He kicks violently the table and the laptop flies across the room, landing on the floor with an unpleasant clash.

   "I don't want to be like this!" he screams.

   "Sunny, calm down! All of this is not true and you know it." I rush towards him and squeeze his trembling body into a strong embrace. "We'll do all of those things and no one will leave anyone. I promise!"

   "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He covers his face in his palms. "You can't promise things that don't depend on you!"

   "Yes I can!" I mutter in his hair. "We'll fight this together."

   "I don't want to be like this!" Sunny utters almost soundlessly, stomping his foot like a stubborn child.

   "You won't be. Sunny, I promise you!" I repeat, moving his hands away from his face. "I'll tell you what we'll do. You're going to tell me everything now and take it out of your system. I'll listen and hold your hands till it's all out. And then, if there's anything left, I'll fuck it out of your brain."

   "Like a sex machine," he snorts, not able to stop the tiny smile, crawling on his face.

   "Exactly! And then we're going out shopping because you're buying me a new laptop, if you can still walk, I mean," I add, just to make him smile more.

   This time he starts laughing with a full voice, the tension leaving his body.

   "Right! I'll tell you everything," he says, grabbing my hands.

   We sit together on the sofa and he gazes at me intently.

   "You have to promise me that you won't cry. My heart breaks every time I see that I made you cry. I don't think I can bare it right now."

   "No crying, love! No tears from now on," I firmly state. "Let it all out. We'll just overcome it together."



Hello everyone at the end of Chapter 87.

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Love: Anny 

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