36. Control

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   We're cuddled on the big, soft sofa, under a large fluffy blanket, amongst numerous throw pillows. Em is sitting on the chaise lounge, leaning on the backrest and I'm between his legs, leaning on his chest. 

   Different flavours of gelato in colorful, cardboard cups with transparent dome lids and prints of sights from Italy are sorted on the coffee table beside us. Each flavour is generously garnished with fruit, chocolate bars, whipped cream, nuts and cookies. All look absolutely amazing. 

   Em prepared two large mugs of hot chocolate while we were waiting for the ice cream delivery because, according to him, 'we would need to warm up after cooling down with eating so much ice cream'.

   I can't believe I was so anxious in the beginning. Now, nestled in Em's arms, watching one of my favorite movies, I don't remember ever being so comfortable and relaxed in my life.

   Em feeds me different flavors, refusing to let me eat on my own. I really like it, although I constantly protest, just because I'm not used to this type of attention. 

   He often doesn't point the spoon precisely, staring at the movie, and licks the ice cream from my cheeks, chin and once the tip of my nose. It's so sweet. I giggle every time with the deep suspicion that he's doing it on purpose. 

   Em's watching the movie very carefully, amazed that an animation can convey such deep messages.

   "I feel like I've missed a lot by not being more inquisitive in things that are aside of my main interests," he says in astonishment. "Promise to show me more movies and cook more Japanese food. Oh, and by all means, tell me everything about Pokémon."

   "Well," I pout, "I'll do it, but you'll have to tell me everything about your music."

   "Music must be heard and felt, sweetie. It can't be explained," he shakes his head.

   The movie gets quite emotional close to the end. I've seen it a thousand times, but my eyes still water. I secretly sniff, embarrassed by my weakness.

   "Hey, don't try to hide," Em whispers in my ear, holding me tighter. "It's ok to be sad, or happy, or angry when we're together. I'm your boyfriend. I'll always comfort you." 

   He kisses my hair and passes a mug of hot chocolate to me. "You need some warming. What do you think about the gelato? It can't compare to your ramen and I didn't cook it, but I still hope you liked it."

   "It was great. Thank you so much!" I beam and take a sip of the chocolate.

   It's so delicious that I close my eyes for a moment. 

   The same second, I feel Em's fingers, sliding under my chin. The mug is removed. He turns my head and his soft lips press into mine. 

   "Turn around, kitten," he mumbles on my mouth.

   I slowly turn to face him, straddling his thighs, without opening my eyes. He's warm. His chest is firm and comfortable. His scent lures me closer and my arms sneak round his waist.

   "Do you remember that you promised me a reward?" Em asks slyly, rubbing his lips on mine.

   "I do," I answer shakily, startled by the sudden hot shiver, running through my body.

   "Do you trust me?" Em's voice is soft and soothing.

   "Yes," I mutter. 

    His lips are making me dizzy. I'd like him to stop teasing and kiss me. I sense them stretching in a smile.

   "Why are you shaking then? You're still worried, aren't you?" It's not a question, but rather a conclusion.

   "Yes, I am," I confess.


   "Because I ...it's..." I' m trying to verbalize what I feel but it seems my brain refuses to work. "I don't know," I finally sigh and give up. 

   Em starts to chuckle.

   "It's because you don't know what will happen and you're afraid of losing control over the situation," he states.

   I'm awed by how precisely he's able to express something that I couldn't.

   "But you don't need to give up control," he whispers and finally kisses me softly.

   I want more and nibble at his lips. He parts them, letting me slide my tongue in. I'm so impatient that immediately swirl it around his and grab a handful of his hair. 

   He's incredibly responsive, following my every movement but doesn't take on the initiative. The way he submits to me, while I dominate the kiss, drives me wild. I slide my hands up his chest and squeeze the front of his shirt, pushing him down. He gently holds me on top of him, offering me his mouth without hesitation. I kiss, suck and bite his lips till I'm completely out of breath and pull away, forced to take some air. We're both panting heavily.

   "Sunny," Em breathes out, looking straight in my eyes. His beautiful face is flushed and his hair is a total mess, making him even more attractive. "Take me to your bedroom, love. You'll never lose control. I'll never cross a line, beyond which you're not ready to let me." 

   He sits up and cups my cheeks in his hands. His swollen lips make everything inside me twist and tingle in sweet agony.

   "I know you trust me," he smiles. "Start trusting yourself."

   Em's right. My insecurity is keeping me away from my own desires. The source of my fear has nothing to do with the gorgeous boy in front of me.

   I close my eyes and firmly say to myself, 'This is not the same as before. Em is different. I want him close. I need him as close as possible. It's time to wake up. It's time to live again.'

   I slowly open my eyes and stare at the stunning blue crystals in his irises. He's amazing. I'm so happy he's here. 

   "Em," I say softly, "come with me."

   He takes a sharp breath and glides his thumb down my cheek, along the contour of my chin and over my lips. 

   I place a kiss on his fingers and grab his hand, pulling him up, "Let's go, Dārin!"



Hey everyone at the end of Chapter 36!

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Em and Sunny are getting to know each other more.

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Love: Anny

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