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forty | Remembrance II

Third Person

Packing what little she had was easy for Vienna, it was easy because she only packed a small dagger, and a change of clothes, then a little gold to trade with villagers later. She didn't pack any pictures, any books, any other weapons, only what little she had. Vienna wanted to leave everything behind, so that way she wouldn't have anything else holding her down here. She didn't want to come back here, nothing good ever happened here.

The woman finished packing in a matter of minutes, with nothing more than a dark look on her face.

Technoblade waited in the kitchen, watching out the windows as the sun began to rise from behind the far away mountains, seeing the lone castle tower peaks break the clouds. He could see a colorful flag wave in the faint breeze. The man wondered where Philza had gone off to, and also wondered how he and Vienna would travel back.

The pink-haired man had traveled by the Nether, but had already spent his fare share of time in the hell hole, his body would need to heal more before going back through the portal, and he wasn't sure if Vienna had ever even been to the Nether. He didn't want her first time down there filled with him stumbling around the sharp edges of the terrain.

Despite the danger the Nether held, Technoblade found it rather beautiful. From the extensive population of pig-like people and creatures, fungus and mushrooms growing in the wildest of spots, to the rare ore that held the highest price on the market, and the small pieces of gold and quarts scattered across the hellish plain. There was much to experience in the Nether, and one day he hoped to show Vienna the wonders hell could hide from view.

As the man stared out the window, he got lost in his own thoughts, not realizing the silver-haired woman having returned from her room with a pack of supplies, and little else. Only when a chair scraped against the wooden floor did Technoblade shake himself from his thoughts, and faced the woman sitting, tying her shoes. He frowned at how little there was in the halfway closed bag, and the little to no layers Vienna wore.

"You do realize we are traveling to the mountains, correct? And that we will be in very thick snow and very cold weather?" Technoblade asked, leaning against the window sill and crossing his arms across his chest with a frown. Vienna nodded, and started tying her other shoe, tucking her trouser legs into the boots she wore.

"Yes Technoblade. I am aware." She replied with no push in her voice, there was no weight to her words, there was no emotion behind the syllables. Her sentence was empty, much like how she felt. Technoblade shook his head, and pushed off the wall to where her items were. Vienna didn't stop him from opening the door and going through her things. She wouldn't stop him even if she wanted to, if she could. One door closed, and another opened, and a winged individual stepped through the small doorframe. He was covered in dirt, and seemed to have little spots of red on his white and green outfit and hat. He carried something in his arms, something that looked like a dark red piece of fabric.

"I'm back.." Philza said quietly, not knowing the situation in his home. When he left, things were very, mournful and dark. He wasn't sure if in his time away things had cleared over, or if they had gotten worse. The older man saw Vienna sitting at the kitchen table alone, with a bag at her feet and no Technoblade in sight. It was his turn to wonder where his friend had disappeared to, but upon hearing a clatter of objects through the other door, it was easy to pin point.

"She must be leaving then." Philza thought, lowering his head for a moment, remembering the item he retrieved from his adventure in the woods. Shaking out his feathers, Philza walked into his home and set the red fabric down onto the table behind Vienna, seeing no change in her emotion or position. She couldn't find the will to care about what the older man had brought back. Vienna just wanted to leave, leave and never come back.

"Vienna-" Philza started, but was cut off by the sound of a door opening, and another clatter of things, causing Vienna to flinch at the sudden loud noise.

"Sorry.." Technoblade whispered, beginning to pick up the scattered objects and laying them out on the floor. He counted to himself, before noticing Philza's presence in the room again, and his eyes immediately catching on the fabric on the table. It was his cloak, the one he lost all that time ago, he could tell just by the color and the way it looked from afar. There was a certain thing about the cloak that he could identify easily, he didn't know what it was, but he just knew.

Philza followed the pink-haired man's line of sight straight past Vienna, and locked onto the long lost cloak, piecing together the puzzle that laid before him. When it clicked, everything else did as well.

The older man knew the two in front of him were close, very close, at some point, and the man could remember seeing a flash of red after the funeral where he buried his son. He watched what he thought was a flag dance in the wind from someone's window, and wondered where it went after he turned away for a moment. His question was answered in this moment, and his sympathy for the woman sitting in front of his would continue to rise like the sun that filtered through the windows.

Philza realized that they loved each other at one point, maybe not now, and they lost more than just family that fateful day. The day were monsters were brought to life and brought chaos to the land around them. That day that ash rained from the sky as the beasts were slain and a beacon of light split the sky, leaving more than just the land scarred from the damage they brought. The older man knew very little about the woman sitting in his house, but he knew they were very alike in some ways, the main one being that they lost more than their fair share in one lifetime. At least for Philza it was many lifetimes, Vienna had only this one.

How she made it this far without giving up? Philza had no clue, maybe it was the hope that things would get better, or maybe it was the stubbornness that harbored her marrow. Whatever the reason, Vienna was stronger than she let on.

1142 words

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