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thirty-nine | Spark

thirty-nine | Spark

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third person

The house was quiet for the next few hours. Philza left without much more than a joke, Vienna locking herself in her makeshift room, and Technoblade sat in the kitchen staring at the door Vienna walked through. The pink-haired man sat with a piercing gaze, waiting for the woman to walk back into the room, and scream at him, hit him, or just simply stare at him with those hurricane blue eyes, the same shade of blue he never could forget- nor wanted to. He just wanted her to come back.

Not to him, he didn't believe he deserved that, but back into the room, even if all she did was stare at him. At least she would be there, and not halfway across the world.

The distant feeling of loneliness slowly melted through the walls separating the two past lovers, their hearts glowing with the faint light of hopelessness, wilting along with the flowers outside the windows. To one, the world revolved around them but they themselves stayed still, while the other was moving, and the world wasn't. One's heart was filled with regret, the other with nothing at all. One's mind was haunted by the things they did, while the other was filled with a plethora of fading faces, the edges of their features blurring into the background of their hazy mind. She wasn't able to remember their faces, and he could remember everything far too clearly.

But they shared the loneliness and hopelessness in common, they shared the want for someone to cry with them, to hold their hand as they faced the coming days, the coming years if they made it that long. All the two wanted was someone to break their fall into that deep, dark pit that so many have already fallen victim to. Just someone to stay until the storm passed.

Vienna Blue sat on the floor of her makeshift room, her eyes trained on the pile of waterlogged boxes stacked up against the wall opposite of her, the sea of thin paper pictures and hardcover books that were barely salvageable, the one lone boot standing among the shadows. There was a sword sticking out of the mess of cardboard, the hilt shiny and silver, the black being a dark metal stained with the years of wear and tear, chips in the blade that made it look the part. The boxes were filled to the brim of memories too painful to relive through, too heavy to carry without a shoulder to lean on, so they stayed full. Vienna sighed, and wished the ache in her heart would fade, but knew it wouldn't any time soon.

She would close her eyes, but would only see the red of the vines, the paleness of skin, and the blue of a sweater. Always the blue of a sweater, always the blue. It was easier to keep her eyes open than see the shades of red slowly get darker as the minutes passed. It was easier to live through the dryness of her eyes than to feel the rough pads of hands pressed against her own. Or maybe it was all a lie Vienna told herself so she could trick herself. Into what? Even she doesn't know.

Vienna's eyes were blurred with unshed tears as the scraping of a chair sounded in the next room over, the soft thuds of metal against wood slowly getting closer and closer to the closed door to the basement. A soft knock would sound, than an ever softer voice would follow.

"Vienna?" The woman acted as if she didn't hear, and kept staring at the wall with all her belongings. "I'm.." The voice paused, then finished. "I'm coming in, okay?" Vienna didn't want him to, but she didn't want him to leave, so she didn't stop Technoblade from twisting the knob to the door, and didn't stop him from walking in and closing the door with such care. She didn't look up at him, but he was fine with that.

They sat in silence, Vienna was too exhausted to talk, and Technoblade didn't know what to say. There were words caught in his throat, and his mouth wouldn't work them out. The man had no way of fishing the sentences from his mind and throwing them into the sea of silence that encompassed the two, but it wouldn't be him to break the suffocating silence. Though she was exhausted, Vienna grew more tired of the quiet. But what she said wouldn't help free the words stuck in Technoblade's throat.

"Do you remember what you said all that time ago?" Vienna's nose burned, and the tears welled once more, just unable to fall. She still stared at the wall, unaware of the gaze that fell into the depths of her eyes, seeing the glassiness that lingered in the darkness- he knew what she was talking about. "When you asked me to take your hand? To run with you?" Technoblade lowered his gaze slightly, remembering the words clear as day, the day he lost her.

"Of course I do Vienna, I could never forget them." He admitted, watching as the woman blinks slowly, one slow tear joining the others that fell in the past hours. He watched as she opened her dark eyes just as slow, if not more, before staring right into the soul of his being. She didn't respond for a moment, remembering everything she thought was useful, before throwing it to the flame that burned in the back of her mind. The fire ate away at the reasons to stay in this place, and burned everything else that persisted through the scorching flame.

Her reply came slow, but fighting through the exhaustion of her sluggish brain was no easy task. "Can I still take your hand..?" Technoblade's lips parted upon hearing her words, wishing he could've heard them so long ago, but the words still flew from his lips without wasting a heartbeat. Without giving her time to change her mind. Little did he know, she wouldn't change it at all. She just wanted to leave this place, leave the monsters that followed her behind here to rot in the blood stained ground she walked upon.

"Of course." Vienna smiled, something broken and never ever touched her eyes, but a smile that was still so full of emotion that Technoblade recognized well, yet was never able to name. There was a spark that lingered in the clouded eyes that the pink-haired man saw when he closed his own, there wasn't a name for that spark, because it was simply that. A spark, not the flame, not the blaze, and certainly not the inferno.

A mere spark, and nothing more.

Technoblade held his hand out to the woman seated on the ground, and met her gaze when it lifted. "Will you take my hand, Vien..?" He whispered, and watched as her small hand hesitated on the ground, before lifting into the air and resting against his own. And she nodded.

"Take me away from this place Techno. Take me to my death, take me to hell, take me anywhere in this damned world." Vienna said, staring into the cerulean blue eyes that held her gaze, refusing to let it fall. "Take me home."

"Wherever home may be," She thought, and rose from the ground, her hand still resting in the pink-haired man's hand, knowing the warmth would always be close to her heart, no matter how distant the two were. And there was a spark that rekindled the flame the grew within their souls.

A spark was needed to create a flame, a flame to a blaze, and a blaze to an inferno. All it took was a spark.

A mere spark, and nothing more.

1300 words

I've returned

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