Bonus- You Might Not Be The Worst Soulmate After All

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A/N ooh so i noticed some of you guys noticed something. And that'd be Saiki's soulmate's initials being K.T.

I wonder who that could be hMMMmmmMMmMmMm...


Saiki could hear his thoughts from a mile away. He was a psychic after all.

Good Grief. He had to do something or else Kuboyasu would assume he was his soulmate. And he did not need the drama and attention of that guy being his soulmate. Anyone would be better.

Quickly, he sauntered over to Mikoto, who was sitting talking to some girls about their future love lives.

Saiki held his palm out to Mikoto's face, much to Mikoto's surprise.

"What are my soulmate's initials?" he asked nonchantly.

Mikoto grinned, grabbing his hand. "Well there's one way to find out."

She took his hand and stared at it for a while. The girls stopped talking and started to listen intently.

Now, to any normal human this would've looked like it was a bit tougher to read for him.

But in reality, her thoughts were more like; 'oh no, saiki's initials are K.T. what do I do their not mine should I lie? Do I tell him the truth? What if these girls find out? The only K.T. I really know is Kokomi Teruhashi. Oh god. They're soulmates aren't they. Wait. Saiki can read minds. He knows I'm thinking this right now. Shit.

Mikoto looked up at Saiki. "Umm your soulmate's initials are K.T."

A gasp was let up from the girls. "That's Teruhashi-san's initials!" they squealed. This would be gossip. Quickly, they got up and started to tell other people around. Saiki and Mikoto watched as the girls rushed out, probably running to tell the whole world kokomi's soulmate could be saiki.

Saiki looked over at Mikoto.

"You could've just said something else." He said, then promptly went back to his seat next to Kaidou and Nendou.

Kuboyasu ran in at that moment and yelled. "Saiki! You could be my soulmate!."

Next to him, he felt Kaidou stick his face into his jacket. Good grief, Kuboyasu really screwed up this time.

"Kuboyasu you're stupid. I'm most definitely not your soulmate." Said Saiki, already bored with the conversation.

"Well you could be. I mean your initials are S.K. and you're most definitely a good friend for me." Said Kuboyasu.

"No. I asked Mikoto for my soulmate initials. She disappointedly told me they were K.T. And your initials are not K.T." Stated Saiki matter-o-factly.

He heard Kuboyasu think about how dumb he was.

"You're not dumb because of this, Kuboyasu. You're right to assume you have to be close to someone for them to be your soulmate. But you are just generally stupid, considering you haven't figured out who your soulmate is." Saiki told him.

After his little speech, Saiki promptly got up to get out the classroom, with Nendou following behind him.

But as soon as he excited the door, he was stopped by a gathering of approximately 50 guys.

They all had the most evil, murderous smiles on their face.

Their leader , Sawkita Eiji, chose to walk up to him, 5cm away from his face.

"Saiki! Hello there friend. We are here to help you find your soulmate. Why, you might be wondering. Well."

The guys behind him all joined for this last part.

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