Chapter 3

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Kuboyasu was at the grocery store, just buying some ingredients to make dinner. He was deciding whether he would make katsudon or curry rice, when a cheerful voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Kuboyasu! How are you?" Yelled a sunshiny Hairo, marching towards him holding a basket. Kuboyasu decided not to question why Hairo's basket was just filled with protein powder jars.

"I'm good thank you, and how are you?" replied Kuboyasu politely, still trying to decide.

"I'm amazing! Isn't today wonderful, would you like to go for a run later?" Hairo enthusiastically asked, grinning with his white teeth showing.

"I'm not sure maybe-" Kuboyasu started.

"Great! I'll see you at 5:00 by our school, and we can do a quick 10km run around the area, how about that. Anyways I got to go so see you later!" Hairo waved, then disappeared.

Kuboyasu stood there, unsure what and how he'd gotten himself into this.

He quickly decided to make some katsudon later, bought the ingredients, then dropped off his food at home and hurriedly made his way to the school.

Hairo was already there, doing what seemed to be one-fingered pushups.

"97, 98, 99, 100- oh hello again Kuboyasu! Let's start running, shall we?" Hairo stated, standing up, then positioning himself to run.

Now, Kuboyasu was athletic. Years of fighting in gangs prepared him for physically and emotionally tough fights.

But Hairo was another level. Kuboyasu was almost out of breath by the time their 'warm up' had finished ("only 15km more to go" he added brightly).

Hairo has taken his pace down to a light jog for the sake of keeping his friend to accompany him, but pushed the speed every now and then so to make sure Kuboyasu was challenged.

7km in, Hairo found the perfect opportunity to chat to Kuboyasu about the soulmate conundrum.

"Hey Kuboyasu, have you given the 'who's your soulmate' any thought?" Asked Hairo to a huffing puffing Kuboyasu.

"*huff* I-I dunno I've said I *huff* don't really care." Kuboyasu replied.

Hairo had to act. As a responsible friend, seeing his friends in pain at Kaidou's heart ache and Kuboyasu's obliviousness meant he had to do something.

"I mean have you tried to find out? Did you ever think about your soulmate needing you?" Hairo asked to a fully listening slightly exhausted Kuboyasu.

"Maybe you don't need them as desperately, but maybe they want you. Think about that. Do it for hi-them. Not you." Hairo said with his leader voice.

Kuboyasu nodded. "Fair enough. I'll just look for them a bit every now and then. Any ideas?" He asked an already enthusiastic Hairo.

"I recommend you make a list of all the people you know, or in the school, with the initials S.K. Maybe you'll connect with someone then." Hairo said.

"Good idea Hairo. Do you know where in the school I can find a list with all the girl's names on them?" asked Kuboyasu to him.

Hairo thought for a second. "I reckon the nurse's office has a list with the girl's names on them."

"Thanks Hairo! I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow." Kuboyasu said, waving as he ran in another direction.

Hairo smiled and waved back, then realised.

Kuboyasu was only looking for a GIRL with the initials S.K.

It never even crossed his mind his soulmate could be a dude.

Oh god.

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