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Luciano pov (Didn't want to leave u hanging from last chapter so here's a new one!)

"So, Luciano I'm guessing this is important since you decided to call me all the way over here?" His friend said standing in the shadow.

"Stop trying to make a fucking entrance and get you ass over here in the light." I growl, he steps out of the light so I can see his face, I smirk. "I've missed you... Ares."

"I've missed you too, I see you've combined with Landon once again."

"He is needed."

"For what exactly."

"Rain Hell on Heaven of course." In a 'duh' tone, he just chuckles.

"What got you so riled up, it's bee once thousand years. Something must've ticked you off."

"He took my mate from me, I don't know where she is. Landon also kicked Lester out since Lester can control him, so I don't know where he is and if he found her or not."

"So you've become weak and sold yourself for a mate." I glare at him "What's this devil or demons name?"

"She's actually an Angel." I hear him choke on air 

"Wow, surprising. Why did he take her or why was she taken."

"Don't fucking know, he thinks she'll be better without me. Even though he paired up together." I inform him of everything I know, we start to plan what we're going to do and how to execute it. We already have the upper hand since I'm involved but we do need other people. 


I fly down to hell with a few of my daughters favorite snacks, I has a big smile on my face, excited to see my daughter after a few days, I couldn't wait to hug and kiss her. As I entered Hell, and walked straight for the mansion, I felt something was off. I started to feel a strong dark aura, stronger and darker than Lucifer or anything I'm used to to, it nauseated me a little but I forced myself to push forward desperate to see Ayla. 

As I entered and I saw a servant "Hello, where is Luciano?" She looks at me in shock and terror, her trembling hand just points in a directing. I nod her a thank you and walk over, the aura became stronger and stronger. "Luciano!! Luciano!! Where are you, come out of your hiding spot!!" I yell, I have grown a little close with Luciano. Sure he may be a demon but the way he looks and treats my daughter makes me smile. 

I trust him with her and he is sweet around her, I can tell but when it comes to other people he's stone cold. I even had the pleasure to seem him smile a little because of Ayla, I am happy she is changing him. I hear large footsteps "Luciano come help your future mother-in-law, I'm feeling nauseous!" 

"Nemesis what are you doing here!" I hear his voice but something was off, it was deeper and held power. I heard his footsteps come closer and closer and the aura I felt became stronger and stronger. I couldn't hold myself up, I felt someone grab my arm and I flinched not knowing who it is. "It's me Nemesis, what are you doing here?" I hear him start to chant a spell and suddenly I felt fine.

I snatched my arm from his grasp and looked up a gasp escaped my mouth once I saw the sight in front of me "What in the devil, Luciano?" He looked bigger, his eyes were black, his skin was light red and his horns... there like 2 feet. "W-what hap-happened?"

"Well... he lost his lover of course." I turned to where the voice came from, it was familiar but unfamiliar then I hear an evil chuckle. Soon I see a male appear in front of me. Fucking Ares. Excuse my language your honor, even though I'm in Hell. I take in his presence and Luciano's as they stand side by side, they look like fucking brothers. 

Then it his me what he said "LOST HIS LOVER!" I yell.

"Yes, well not lost. She was taken."

"TAKEN!" I start to panic, this can't happen again. I can't loose another daughter, I still haven't recovered from Eve. I still haven't gained all my power from when I made Ayla, oh god I'm getting old and slower I won't know what to do once I loose another daughter. I won't be able to live with myself. I'd have to ask God to end my life, I-I can't breathe, why can't I breathe.

"Fucking Heaven's Nemesis, breathe in and out!" I hear Luciano yell, I realize I'm on my hands and knees. When did I get to the floor? 

"Where is she?" 

"That we don't know."

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