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Third person

Eve woke up in a cage, she panicked and called for help. She leaned against the metal door and it was opened, she scoffed and out. She was in a familiar room, she looked around and saw Adam chained up with foam coming out of his mouth. "Adam!" She yelled running towards him but was abruptly pulled back. She turned and saw Jack.

"Oh Jack, please save him! He's going to die!" 

"Mozt likely... but what'z the fun in helping him?" Her eyes widen in fear "Yes dear it was me, I had that apple. That you're mate forced you to ear, ironic isn't it."

"N-no... Jack don't do this please!" She begged as tears rolled down her face. 

"He's already dead, just felt like having new decor, the walls are too white it's blinding. Also I want you all to myself, you are mine not his. You don't love him you love me."

"J-Jack." He slapped her, then again and again. He grabbed her face and stared at her.

"Thought. Beliefs. Ideas. Truths. Images.-"

"NO! PLEASE STOP SOMEONE HELP MEEEE PLEASE SOME-" Jack took her vocal cord, she stared at him in shock as she tried to talk but nothing came out but air. 

"It's rude to interrupt me now where was I? Ah yes, Thought. Beliefs. Ideas. Truths. Images. All of these you hold on tightly. What I now mention you will release." Her tear filled eyes rolled to the back of her head and now white, her body went limp. He laid her on the floor and started to replace every memory she had with Adam with him instead.

He carried her to the bed and tucked her in, he now had to find a way for Nemesis to stay out of their business. He unchained Adam's body and carried it to the woods, he made a fake body of Eve and laid them next to each other, he smiled at his work.

Once Cassie and Nemesis were informed they sobbed uncontrollably, they attended the funeral and not long after Cassie passed away and Nemesis was left with nothing. She was all alone again, with no family but the last thing Cassie said to Nemesis stuck with her till now.

"That's not Eve, she's alive, she didn't have the birthmark on her belly." Till this day Nemesis still looks for Eve, it was hard for her to let Ayla go and live with Luciano but she knew it had to be done. She just hopes that this time she won't loose a daughter. But again, all good things come to an end. 

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