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"What if I come to you?"


Amber and Dream were currently on the phone with Amber carrying the baby and making him go to sleep while he was practicing for the Manhunt he was going to record in a bit.

"I want to see you," he said. "And, I also want to meet your family. After all, COVID is literally gone. I can travel to your house, stay there for a few and just be there with you and Kai."

"And me, dumbass," Kaleo rolled his eyes from beside Amber who chuckled at her brother's words. Dream laughed, too, and he hummed in agreement.

"And be there with Kaleo, too," he continued. "But, Sapnap is going to Texas for a bit to hang with his family. I can go to yours and just go on an official date. ."

"I-okay," Amber nodded. "I would be stupid to say "no." But, you don't have anything important to do?"

"I have to film tomorrow, but I can easily film that and edit it real quick if it means traveling to see you," Dream replied. Amber felt her face heat up and Kaleo snorted from beside her. Kai, sleeping in her arms now, jumped at the sound, but thankfully didn't wake up. "Shut up, Kaleo. I heard you. But I can get a plane ticket today so I can be by your house in two days."

"That'll be nice, Clay," Amber smiled before she remembered something. "Oh, Alex texted me and asked if we were busy. Said he wanted to stream something with us two."

"Did he tell you what?"

"Nope," the girl said. "He just asked if we were busy on Saturday."

"I'm not," Dream answered. "I'm going to be by your house then so, we can stream with him, right?"

"Yeah, I'm not busy," Amber shrugged. "It's just worrisome since it's... Alex. He's probably gonna make us do something embarrassing or something that will make fans more suspicious."

"Amber, me calling you kitten and my little blind idiot on your stream in front of 100k people would make fans suspicious already," Dream chuckled. "But, yeah, I'm down. Also, when are you going to stream?"

"I already streamed today," Amber thought. "I have to do lore tomorrow with Tommy and then I'm going to stream on my account. Thursday, I am playing on Corpse's Among Us lobby. Friday, I have an appointment with Kai's doctor so I'll stream in my alt with Karl. Saturday, Quackity's stream and I'll probably stream something with you two."

"Do you have another computer?"

"Kaleo has a set up in his room," Amber answered. "If he wants, you can borrow that. After all, we're just using discord so far from what I know."

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