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"You know the basics like building and stuff right?"

Amber hummed and moved her mouse around while sipping her chocolate milk. "Yes. I used to play Minecraft a lot when I was younger, but... I wasn't allowed to play later on in my youth. So I remember the basics."

"Alright, well, lemme pull up your stream so I can see what you're doing," Dream mumbled and the girl could hear his mouse clicking here and there before he let out a small "there" under his breath. "Oh! Do you want to build a house together?"

"Sure!" Amber smiled. "But don't you have a house?"

She heard silence and everyone unmuted, laughing as they made fun of Dream. Amber furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before taking his silence as an answer.

"Um, no," Dream answered as he told the others to join other VCs since he and Amber were going to be talking. Only Bad, Niki, Wilbur, Sapnap, Karl, and George had stayed, listening to them. "I-I, yeah... I don't have a house."

"You don't have a house in the server you created...?" She asked. Dream hummed and the girl giggled a little. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. Sorry."

"No, no, no," Dream chuckled. "Don't apologize. It is funny. But, at least I'll be having and sharing my first house with you."

Niki and Wilbur simultaneously unmuted and aw'ed softly, Wilbur fake crying and sobbing. "That was so adorable. Niki we have some competition."

"It's not a competition, Wil. Now, mute yourself. Let them have a moment."

Wilbur listened to Niki and the others continued hearing Dream and Amber talk. They noticed how different Dream was around the girl. Usually he was loud, cursing, confident, and was really talkative at times, but they were all hearing him and the soft tone he was using as if he spoke any louder Amber would break. He was also stuttering over his words occasionally, letting Amber baby him and "aw" at his words, which he clearly didn't mind.

"Alright, we can finish our house today, right?" Dream asked and Amber thought about it for a sec, humming a bit.

"We can do it."

"Yeah, we can," Dream chuckled a little before his character on Minecraft turned to look around for Amber's. He couldn't find her and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Where are you?"

"I'm looking for you," she answered, her own character looking around for his. "Oh, Quackity is coming towards me... What is this white stuff that he's giving me...?"

"No! Don't take that!" Dream exclaimed before he realized how loud he was and softened his tone. "Don't take it."

Amber's character shook its head and Quackity's own nodded rapidly. This lasted until Dream appeared by her side, hurting the man and causing him to simply stare at him and grab the stuff he had thrown and leave.

"What was that?"

"Drugs," Dream simply answered and Amber let out an "oh" while a small chuckle escaped her lips. "Come on. Let's go find a space."

Amber's character followed after Dream's deep into a forest they had found. Trees surrounded them all and Dream kept asking the girl to cut down some wood from the trees, but instead of doing what he was supposed to be doing, he kept getting distracted every time he looked at Amber's stream and the excited smile she had as she thanked the donos and every time she would successfully get blocks.

"I found the perfect space for our house, Amber," Dream announced and Amber headed towards him, looking around the space he had found and nodded. It was far away from everything yet in the middle of everything, it was perfect for the house they wanted to build together.

"This is nice."

The two got to building and Amber hummed a song under her breath, shaking her head to the side as if forgetting that Dream was watching her.

"You have a beautiful voice."

Amber stopped and looked towards her stream, her cheekbones and ears turning red. She ignored her hot face. "Thank you. Oh! Can we please add roses?"

"Yeah, of course," Dream smiled. "You got some?"

"Yep," the girl enthusiastically breathed out. "I'm excited."

"I'm excited, too."

"Dream!" Amber jumped at hearing Wilbur's voice and heard Dream chuckle. "I just got a perfect idea."


"The Dream SMP."

"Okay..." Dream muttered. "Amber can you mute yourself on stream?"


Amber muted herself on stream and made sure she was muted before focusing on the house she and Dream were building. She heard Wilbur let out a sigh in the background before he let out excited noises.

"Okay, okay, hear me out, hear me out," he started. "What if... Amber becomes part of the SMP? What if... before Sapnap... before George... Dream had someone? What if... Amber becomes the sole reason of your possible defeat? She can maybe have a role of a lover or a friend, romantically or platonically, and you hadn't seen her, but she's someone you, I don't know, really loved. No one knows of your house, the house that you're currently building, and she's the only one that lives there since you left her. Dream, aka you but in the SMP, reminisces on the house, everyone thinking he has no home but he does—"

"And no one knows of Amber's character," Dream mumbled, cutting Wilbur off with his own theories. "No one knows. Everyone thinks Sapnap and George are the ones that make him weak, but Amber makes him weaker..."

"Exactly!" Wilbur exclaimed. "She's just as powerful as Dream. She has powers, getting into people's minds. Just imagine, Dream."

"I am imagining," the faceless man said under his breath. "Wilbur, you genius."

"And now the question is... Amber, will you join the Dream SMP? With Dream's permission, of course."

"Are you sure you want me there?" Amber asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "I don't want no one to be mad at me for easily getting into the SMP..."

"We'll handle them later," Dream said. "For now, do you want to join?"

Everyone in that call unmuted themselves and begged her. She thought about it and if that means getting to know more people, getting closer to each of them, and becoming this big family, then she would do it.

"Yes, I'll join the SMP."


if you get told you have
dream's laugh, do you find
it like "😳😔🤨" or
"🥰💕😊"? be honest

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