evelyn perez is everything and more

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v excited for this chapter 👁

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v excited for this chapter 👁


Evelyn Perez is most definitely avoiding me.

Walking down the hall, I see her about thirty feet ahead of me, supplies held to her chest as her combat boots press against the flooring. 

She's walking fast as hell.

Sensical. I exhale. She essentially came out as a lesbian and—quote, unquote—said that she stops breathing when she sees me. 

My lips twitch. Evelyn is full of surprises, some more surprising as hell than others.

Either way, I speed walk to catch up to her, eventually falling into a jog as I try to meet up with her.

I'm practically out of breath when I finally reach her and tug at her arm. She whips around, curls flying with her, eyes meeting mine and widening.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, my eyes flick over to her. "Can I—can I talk to you?"

The whole atmosphere feels nervous, tentative. Maybe there's hope somewhere within the air. All I know is that my eyes are resting on the faint glitter dusting her cheeks, and her eyes are on mine, and wide and definitely nervous as shit.

"Okay," she finally responds, and her voice is high pitched as she exhales a breath, shifting from foot to foot. Her t-shirt has a star drawn onto the center this time.

Even after being essentially downgraded to top of the 'unfuckables' list, she seems better. There's a healthier flush to her face, she's wearing glitter almost every day, and she seems less shielded, less trapped. 

Almost seems like she's breathing for the first time.

As in, really breathing.

Her eyes rest on mine, and mine rest on hers, and fuck, words aren't really filling the air, so we essentially stand there, right in the middle of an almost empty hallway, Evelyn's boots tapping on the ground, eyelashes shielding her eyes whenever they flutter.

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