so i'm obsessed with petrichor

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Detention seems to come to a close as fast as it arrives.

A bell rings, and Ms. DeVos leans back in her spinny chair, lips pursing as she takes us in. Since she returned from whatever the fuck she'd been doing outside of the room, our conversation had dwindled to a bare minimum.

She gives us permission to leave, and we rise from our seats. Evelyn Perez is up first, brown curls tousled by the air as she makes her way outside of the classroom. Her gaze remains on the floor as Riya also makes her way out. 

She sends me a half grin, a slight glint to her eyes, and then she's gone.

E smiles brightly, backpack swinging behind him as he pushes through the door. In simple words, I'm slightly fucking appalled that E isn't more pissed than he is. If anything, he should be slightly annoyed. Instead, he's smiling.

Either way, detention wasn't as shitty as it could've been. The first half was really spent texting Damien, his lips twitching every time I said something fucking idiotic.

Making my way down the hall, I glance over at Damien. "Well," he says, glancing over at me. There's a subtle flash of a silver stud in his left ear when he does so. "That was sort of painful, but not terrible."

"Really fucking was," I say, my head nodding as my eyes flicker over to his. 

We make our way down the halls, shoulders brushing, Damien's eyes flickering over to mine every few seconds. Not even minutes later, the cold air greets us from outside, and we trudge through the parking lot.

Damien glances over at me once more, expression thoughtful. "Do you think anyone in the room deserved to be there?" His bottom lip is brought beneath his teeth, something I notice he does whenever he's nervous, thoughtful.

I doubt he notices he's doing it, and my lips curve upwards.

We make our way over to the west side of the school, Damien leaning against the concrete wall as my mind whirs with his question.

"I mean," I say, thoughtful, lips trilling. "Obviously, Riya did vandalize school property, so there's that. But, honestly?" I ask, my eyes finding Damien's. "Fuck this shithole. If she ever tries that shit again, I'll honestly fucking consider lending out a helping hand."

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