Chapter 19 : "broken heart"

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I will come running when you call my name,

even a broken heart can beat again.

- A Different Way : DJ Snake, Lauv

{Levi pov}

"You didn't think of telling me? You idiot, you should have told me, I can't believe my boyfriend hid it from me too, god you two are too much!" Layla practically screamed from the phone.

I put the phone away from my ear, answering her, "Damn Layla, Lucas's definitely a keeper, better than that snitch, what was his name again, oh yeah Tyler."

"Shut up, you idiot. Don't you want to know what Echo told me?"

"What did she say?" I asked softly.

"You actually think I'd tell you. Go to hell!"

Ugh Layla, way too loyal for her own damn good.

"Wait, wait, at least tell me how she's doing?"I tried reasoning with her.

"Levi, just...ugh she misses you but she definitely needs her space, so give her space."

"I can't, Layla. It's been 6 years, and I haven't even told her why it took so long."

"I'm on your side, Levi. I really am. I know you love her, but if you really want to win her back, you've got to be completely honest with her, make up for the time lost."

"I will. Thanks Layla. See you soon!" I nodded, it was time to tell her the reason why.

A week passed since I've seen her. I've been busy in the office, with Lucas helping me. This is a huge step for me, my dad has been planning this for me all his life. Sometimes, I really can't believe I'm actually taking over a company, I'm so thankful for Lucas.

A year after Echo left to Paris, I became depressed, not because of her, but because of the pressure and expectations put on me. I was just out of high school, but the people around me expected me to be all proper and ready to take over my dad's company. While it was my dad's dream for that to happen, he never rushed me but I put too much pressure on myself from all the criticism and insults given to me, and fell into depression.

It was severe and I had to see a therapist, which helped greatly. Depression doesn't just magically disappear, but after that year, it got a whole lot better, especially after taking medication too. Depression is not something to be ashamed of, while people were calling it being "too emotional", I called it a call for help.

So, if you're wondering why it took 6 years to reach her, well, it was because of my depression. She was never the cause of it, she was the cure. I kept thinking about how I wanted to be better for her. I wanted to have a stable mindset before meeting her, and so, here I am, not 6 years late, but after a good 6 years of recovery. That's the positive way to look at it, although I do realise 6 years is definitely a long time.

I was going to the hospital, where I was going to meet the head of the hospital. After facing depression, I decided to invest in having events and charities related to depression, honestly, these people deserve to be heard and I know what it feels like. The hospital agreed to make it happen, and supported our foundation too, it was like a win-win deal.

I parked my car, and walked towards the lobby. When I reached the lobby of the hospital, I saw a very familiar face. Echo. She didn't see me, and I just followed her, hoping she wouldn't turn back at all costs. Damn, I'm seriously stalking her, I shouldn't be doing this to her.

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