Chapter 10 : "nothing to say"

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And it kills me cause I know

we've run out of the things we can say.

- Falling : Harry Styles

"Ahh, look who finally decided to show up?" Layla teasingly asked.

It was the day before graduation, the last day of school, and the students were all busy preparing their goodbye speeches and performances.

"Mmm, what are we going to do tomorrow night?" I asked sleepily.

"Movie marathon, stuffing our face with ice cream and probably talk about Paris," she said suggestively.

"Hmm, can we skip the talk about Paris?"

"You've got to be kidding me, really. Aren't you even going to tell him? Don't you think he deserves to know as his best friend?"

"God, you sound like Tyler, yeah I know, I'm planning on it, also, I need your help for his birthday."

"Ew, no, don't compare me to that snitch. What do you have in mind?"

I wouldn't be here for Levi's birthday, so I prepared something for him, and as I couldn't be here to give it to him by myself, I had to ask Layla for help.

And when the last bell rang for the day, school was officially over. Shouts of happiness, tears of sadness, hugs and more were shared. I looked at my school for the last time, remembering the days Layla and I used to loiter around the corridors together, playing around in the lab, stepping on Levi's shadow, following him wherever he went only for him to turn to me and smile, and lots more of the days I spent my entire childhood and teenage years here. Time really did fly, I can't believe I'm leaving to Paris the day after.

"You're not wearing it."

I turned to see Levi standing beside my desk.

"W-what? Oh, the bracelet! Yeah, I didn't want to bring it to school. Looked way too fragile to wear it even, it looks really pretty, Levi. Thanks." I said.

"Really pretty? Not 'just pretty'?" He teased, remembering how I said bracelets are just pretty.

"Hahaha, yeah really pretty. I'll wear it soon." I smiled at him.

"So, wow how many years has it been since we've been stuck in this school? I still can't believe we won't be here anymore." he said.

"I know right, 11 years haha. Time really flies, huh?" I said, getting up with my bag. I saw Layla talking to some of her singing group members. They're performing tomorrow, and I'm honestly so excited to hear her sing, she has an amazing voice, I was extremely lucky I got to have my own concerts with her being my desk mate. Hearing her sing is honestly heaven to my ears.

"Sierra told me you're not going to prom." He stated.

Yeah, Layla and I decided we'd skip, we don't have dates anyways," I said laughing a little.

"Babe, come here." Sierra's voice came from in front of us, she was holding a camera. We both turned to look at her.

"Go, I'll talk to you later." I softly told him.

He nodded, before walking towards her.

I walked past them, for the very last time, because even if Sierra did say I was on his mind, he still chose to be with her. I wasn't an option to him.

Maybe he didn't want to lose our friendship, or maybe I just wasn't good enough for him. When we stood together, no one ever said, we looked good together, everyone just knew we were, just friends. The letter was proof that I saw him more than just that, while now it was just a rumour that was soon to be forgotten, if what I wrote on the letter really does get revealed, it would change a lot of things between us, Levi and me.

As I started packing for Paris, I saw the letter on my desk. Should I burn it? Flush it down the toilet? Or should I just give it to him? It's not like I'm going to see him soon anyways. We might not even cross each other's paths anymore.

"Echo, make sure you don't forget anything, okay? Come down for dinner once you're done." My mom said from downstairs.

"Okay, I'm coming."

I looked at the letter once more, and decided I was going to confess, I wanted this burden to be lifted off my shoulder, and the only way to do it was to give it to him, tell him I don't expect anything in return, and it just happened, feelings just happen, there's no way to stop them.

Then, I would tell him I was leaving. Yeah, that's what I was going to do. I called Layla and told her my plan, and although she said it was pretty late, she agreed and supported me.

Graduation, here we go.

After this, we'll have nothing else to say, our friendship would be damaged, and I was prepared not to fix it. I was prepared to leave him, once and for all, to leave my first love behind.

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