Chapter 7: No Regrets Part 2

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~Y/N’s POV~

I struggle to break through my eyelids before finally reaching back to the world. I slowly look around the room, seeing a sleeping Supergirl sitting beside me. I smile as I watch her gently breathe in and out. She must be exhausted from the fight…

She’s so strong.
She’s so cute...
especially when she sleeps.

My eyes linger onto her closed ones, noticing dried tears imprinted on her cheeks. I should get some rest before she wakes up, maybe I’ll be strong enough to tell her…

~A few hours later~ 

“I should've been there with you...I should've gotten there faster...I should've heard you on comms...I should've... told you... how I felt…” I hear a sad, tearful woman cry next to me. 
"You should've stopped at 'comms'." I joke as I open my eyes again, startling her and making her look up from her hands. 
"Oh thank Rao." Supergirl says, grasping my hand in her's. I just smile until questions start to run through my head, "How did I get here?" 
"I...I saved you." the blonde says quietly. 
"Oh right, stupid question." I chuckle, looking over to a sad and worried Kryptonian. 
"I should have." I hear a little voice escape her. 
"What?" I wonder, slowly sitting up and tilting my torso to face her.
"I should have gotten there in time to save you." she whispers, lowering her head, almost beginning to cry. 
"But you did." 
"No I didn’t."
"Supergirl, if you hadn't saved me, I would be dead right now."
"You would be less dead if I was there faster." 
"Supergirl... You fight the world every day. You put your heart and soul into every single person you try to save. And even if you do make some slip ups - which you rarely do, by the way - you get back up, just like any other hero. No. Better than any other hero. The world doesn't deserve you, Supergirl." I gently tuck a piece of blonde hair behind her ear and gaze into her beautiful ocean eyes. 
"C/N...." she looks at me with adorable, vulnerable puppy eyes - pulling me in closer and closer. I slowly lean my head forward, forcing our noses to touch - her eyes focused on mine. I gently close the gap between our lips, pulling her into my touch as my heart beats faster than a speeding bullet. Our eyes closed, I pray for a response, I hope for mirrored affection. I suddenly feel the push of her lips against mine, pulling me into her warmth. I...I can taste her smile. I can sense her happiness. This- this is amazing. This feels...right. My hand reaches to gently cup her cheek, still slowly moving in a smooth rhythm with her delicate lips. I don't want this to end. It can't. It will never. Please don't let it. 

Unfortunately, we depart; our lips gently detaching from one another; our eyes locked together. I can hear her heart beating rapidly and I'm sure she can hear mine beating just as fast. My hand falls back into my lap as we slowly fall back into our original positions. 


"Noone deserves you." she whispers, lying back down onto the bed. As I watch her eyes fall back asleep, I stare in awe, my mouth still open. I'm...I'm surprised my heart beat hasn't taken down this entire building.

Oh Rao. Oh Rao. That-that just happened. We just- She just- SHE KISSED ME. AND I KISSED HER BACK. That...was amazing. It felt right. She's so...amazing. 

Crap - do I tell Alex?




I need to at least have help figuring this all out. Just...not yet. Not yet...

I could watch this beautiful woman sleep for decades. 

~At Kara's Apartment~ 

I hear a knock at the door and I instantly speed over to unlock the door in a matter of milliseconds. "Hey Kara, what's with the 911 text?" she notices the expression on my face and nods as she makes her way to the couch with a beer. I close the door and head over to sit next to my sister. 

Don't Let Go - Supergirl x Reader (f) - COMPLETED -Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora