Chapter 4: My Hero

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~2 minutes earlier~

I fly my way past the National City buildings on my way over to the address Winn gave me, while listening out to any unusual noises. Something catches my attention - gunshots. I zoom over towards the sound until I get a good view of a group of people carrying weapons on top of a rooftop. I watch as one of them in a red suit says, "Now...If the bullets don't work...why the fist?" I let out a small chuckle, which was unfortunately loud enough to grab the attention of a nearby sniper. I hear the gun load so I fly straight towards a man crouching on a closeup rooftop. I use my breath to blow him up off the ground, sending him flying into a wall of a taller building.

I make sure he's knocked out before heading back over to the rooftop where two now remain - one collapsed on the floor. I fly closer before recognising the one in a red jacket - it's her!

I dart over towards a man holding a gun at her and slam him to the ground. The unusual gun flies out of the man's hand and onto the floor.

I turn around to see an injured woman lying in pain on the ground below me. The H/C looks up at me with pain in her eyes, green veins coursing through her body. I crouch down with my heart in pieces.

Kryptonite... NO!

I can't let her die! I need...I need answers!

I grab her in my arms, holding her tight and whipping the hair out of her eyes.

"No, no, no, no," I whisper, until I see her eyes start to fade. My heart starts beating a mile a minute, everything around me turning into silence. I notice she's wearing an earpiece, so I take it out and listen, "Hey!? HEY! C/N, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"
I recognise the voice and shout, "Winn?!" I can practically feel his expression start to fade when I reply, "WINN, WHAT HAPPENED. WHAT....What are you doing?!"
"I-I...Um..." he stutters on the other end.
"It doesn't matter, meet me at the DEO, NOW!" I shout into comms, lifting the unconscious woman in my arms and heading down to a tall building.

My feet slam against the ground as I yell, "ALEX! ALEX HELP!!" Tears water down my face as I look down to the injured hero in my arms.

I don't know who or what she truly is, but I can sense her heroism inside her - we can't lose someone like her.

I see Alex come running towards me as I take the woman to the medbay, "What happened, Supergirl?!" I see the confusion in her eyes as I gently lower the H/C onto a bed. "I- um...there- there were some gunmen on a rooftop and one of them shot her." I attempt to get out without panicking again.

"I thought you said she was Kryptonian?" she says, turning away to get medical supplies and then returning back to the green-veined girl on the bed, "Oh...Don't worry, Kara, we should be able to get it out of her system."

I leave the room as I see Winn running towards us, "Y/- C/N!! What happened to her?! KARA."
"She has Kryptonite in her system, WINN! Do you mind telling me, what in Raos name, you were doing with her?!" I yell at him as we walk back over to the medbay. His eyes widen as he notices her unconscious, lying on a bed, "NO, no, no, no!" The worry in his voice gives me the idea that he knows her...

What on earth was he doing...?
Oh... He was helping her... Just me.


It's been a couple of hours since I brought 'C/N' in - apparently that's her name. I notice the sunrise outside the medbay, as I sit still waiting for her to wake up. I look up from my lap and glance at her mask, which Winn wouldn't let me remove. My eyes wander to her lips, I hadn't noticed it before - how her eyes match perfectly with the beauty on her face; her H/C hair flowing gently beside her face, framing it flawlessly; the red suit she's wearing - capturing her presence. I've been staring for too long, it's getting creepy - I... I should probably stop.

Don't Let Go - Supergirl x Reader (f) - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now