39. Despite It All

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Donut led me to the right part of the building. He hadn't seemed happy about the sudden adventure but Dr. Rhodes had assured him it was vital to my recovery, so he'd agreed. Not that he had any other choice. I would have felt more comfortable alongside Julia but she hadn't come back and I didn't want to wait any longer.

I wished I'd had the chance to put my contacts in to divert at least some of the glances that were directed towards me but they still sat in my pocket, safe in their glass vial.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the boy I recognised. From a distance, I could look at him clearly. I could see all the things I had missed before. His hair had been cut shorter but the beginnings of deep brown curls were starting to show again. He stood in the doorway to one of the rooms but he wasn't alone. I dipped behind the wall, just out of sight but still close enough to hear.

Donut gave me a look, questioning why we weren't going any further. I shook my head, urging him not to move.

I didn't think he'd respond to me but he shrugged, leaning against the wall as he lowered his weapon to his side.

Ben was agitated and I could hear the fear in his voice. I was surprised I could still recognise it after all this time. The way his words trembled and the pause at the end of his sentences hung for just a second longer.

"I fixed something that was broken," he spat as I pressed my body against the wall.

"Maybe," the other voice replied. I was confident it was Chris. "But don't forget who broke it in the first place."

"You're blaming me for this now?" Ben countered. "I don't believe this!"

"For the hundredth time, nobody is blaming you, Ben," he replied. "I've said that before. I just want you to understand that this problem doesn't end just because you've fixed it. This is ongoing now. Forever."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trauma, Ben. Therapy," he stated. "You think you've got it hard? She's got it 10 times over. She has to live through it every single day now. She doesn't have the mental capacity to build you back up as well as herself anymore. Don't put that on her shoulders too. After everything, she doesn't deserve that."

There was a strange feeling in my chest. Even when I was human, I was sure I'd never heard people care so much. The fact that they were talking about me made everything even more surreal.

"You're going to try and tell me how to treat her? After everything that's happened?"

"Yes," Chris said louder. "Because you're not looking at the bigger picture."

"What are you talking about? I'm looking at the only picture there is." His tone was becoming harsher and filled with more hatred.

"Yes," Chris sighed. "Em is back and that is something to be grateful for... But she's still adjusting. She needs you more than you need her."

"Everything alright here?" a female voice cut into the argument brewing between the pair. I glanced over to Donut who seemed uninterested in the conversation that was occurring in the corridor.

"Fine," Chris snapped. "Remember who your priority is here, Ben."

There was silence before echoing footsteps carried themselves down the corridor towards me.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side!" Ben called down the corridor. "Who have you got here apart from me? You can't keep running to Pilot!"

I leaned my head back against the wall when Chris appeared in my peripheral. His face was red and his chest was heaving but he seemed too agitated to notice me as he stormed off down the hall.

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