21. Conditions

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Gradually, the world turned back on, like someone bringing light into a dark room. The heat from my body lifted and I no longer felt numb as I lay back in the chair.

The pain was distant as if it had never happened at all.

"Don't look so concerned, Mike. You'll get wrinkles," I mumbled to the face that was hovering above mine.

"Oh, thank God," he exhaled, pressing a palm to his forehead. "I thought I was wrong. I thought we'd lost you-"

"Yeah, yeah," I dismissed as my brain began to clear. "Your research would be in ruins and you'd be back to square one etcetera etcetera. I get it."

His gaze darted to Julia in the corner of the room. Her expression didn't look as sickly anymore as relief flushed her face.

I swallowed. My throat felt dry and I was exhausted. My body had been through a marathon my brain was already trying to forget.

My thoughts darted to Em. When she writhed and screamed in the truck, the noises worse than death itself. I had pulled through the Transition, Em hadn't.

It all seemed cruelly unfair.

"What are the results?" I asked, remembering there was a purpose to the experience as I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again.

Mike nodded, composing himself as he looked over the papers in his hand. "You're immune, Ben," he said. "Completely... It's incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

"You really had to put me through that to find out?"

Mike averted his gaze. "It was the quickest test... You agreed."

"Fuck you," I scowled. "You told me what you were going to do and I had no choice but to say yes. There was no scientific basis for putting me through that other than your own intrigue."

"Alright, Ben," Julia chimed in, hearing my tone change.

"I really wish there were still scientific standards to uphold because I know for a fact you would've just lost your job."

"Aren't you fascinated by it, though?" Julia said. "Your body knows how to fight it off like it's seen it before. We know more now than we ever have. You've put us closer to a vaccine than anyone else will be."

"This breakthrough also means we should discuss our next steps," Mike joined in, cracking a smile.

They were both enjoying it too much. The cure for the Infected might have their names on it after all.

"Next steps?"

"Tests," his eyes widened with excitement. "A blood serum will take time to produce and perfect but we can finally start working on a cure. We'll have to arrange schedules, eating plans, and medication."

"Wait, what?"

His head cocked and it was clear he didn't understand my concern. "You're indispensable, Ben. We can't let anything happen to you. You'll have to be assigned a guard to escort you around the facility until this is over.

"You're assigning me a babysitter?"

"For your own protection. Your own safety."

I almost laughed. "I need to tell everyone what's going on, Mike. I can't stay here. I've got people that are counting on me."

"EDIN is counting on you, Ben. The world is counting on you now."

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't say that."

He raised his palms, an offer of surrender. "You know what I meant. This is a big deal."

"You make it sound like I don't realise that already. I came here knowing the risks."

"I'm not trying to insult you."

"You're not trying very hard." I fought a heavy sigh as I met his firm stare. "I'm willing to stay here," I told him. "But I have some conditions of my own."

"There aren't many things we can agree to, Ben," Julia said, her tone almost sympathetic.

"After what I've just done for you, yes you can."

"What kind of conditions?" Mike asked.

I shrugged. "It's more like a favour really."

"As Julia said, we don't have much to offer-"

"I need to tell my group what's going on..." I hesitated. "And Will."

"Who's Will?" Julia asked.

"Jackie's husband," I clarified. "He's still alive too."

Mike's eyes widened at the information that had just crossed his ears. "You didn't think this was important to tell us?"

"I did," I nodded. "I just chose not to. I knew how you'd react and I wanted to leave him out of it."

His brows raised. "We'll need to speak to him," he stated.

"He doesn't know anything," I explained. "He knows less than I do."

"Non-negotiable," he replied, crossing his arms and standing up straighter. He didn't hold the same presence that Pilot did, though it was obvious he was trying. "We can't let you leave EDIN either. We can't risk it."

"I know that," I agreed. "Luckily for you, somebody else came here with me."

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