Prequel - Part Three

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Damn I failed again :(


"You are absolutely amazing with a dagger but you are a terrible singer," he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I always sing when I'm training and no one has ever asked me to stop."

"They're afraid of offending you. The last time a guard disrespected you, you broke his leg," he reminded me.

I rolled my eyes. "The warriors are not that easily frightened. Perhaps they simply didn't mind my singing and you're just being a child."

He raised an eyebrow. "The warriors and I agree that if your dagger somehow missed the enemy's heart, your voice would send them running."

I scowled, throwing another knife into the wooden post nearly a dozen meters away. "How dare you speak to the future queen of dragons like that?" I scolded.

He bowed his head. "My apologies Princess, please forgive my disrespect." He peered at me through the tops of his eyes, his green gaze full of pleading and mischief.

I started to walk away but he took my hand, lightly kissing it as he fell to his knees. He looked up at me. "May I be forgiven Princess?" he begged with a small tilt of his head.

My composure broke. The corners of my lips turned up into a smile and my cheeks flushed red. "Of course," I mumbled.

He started pulling himself to his feet, that lopsided grin plastered on his face. Then he winced sharply and stumbled and my smile faltered. "Kailo are you—"

"I'm fine," he assured me, waving me away. His face was screwed up in pain and he clutched at his leg. He seemed reluctant to put weight on it and aimlessly rubbed at the armor over his thigh.

I took a step closer but he shook his head. "Zari I'm okay, I promise," he said, offering me a smile when I didn't back off.

My jaw clenched as I brushed nonexistent dirt off my dress. "I'm sorry Kailo," I murmured.

He stared at me. "For what?"

"You were injured because of me—because I didn't believe you were strong enough."

Kailo started to say something but was cut off by a deep chuckle. I turned to see my father walking towards us, mild amusement on his face. "Kailo knew exactly what he was doing in fighting for you. Had he trained more or listened to the healer, he might feel less pain now," he remarked with a pointed glance at my mate.

I turned back to Kailo. "What did the healer tell you?"

He smiled sheepishly, his cheeks pink. "I was instructed to rest for a few days then resume training after at least two weeks of leisure."

"Then why have you been with me all day? The fight was just yesterday you're going to cause permanent damage!" I growled in frustration.

"I wanted to be with my mate."

I stared at him, my heart beating furiously as I tried to hold onto my anger. It was useless. His soft gaze and crooked smile were too much.

My father placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned close to whisper in my ear. "Do not let him fool you Lyzaria. He needs rest if he is going to heal. The last thing you need is a mate that cannot stand because he refuses to listen to reason," he advised.

I nodded. "Kailo let's go." When he didn't move I jerked my head towards the warriors' quarters.

His mouth fell open. "You're making me stop?"

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