End of Hiatus - Bonus Prequel Series

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Hey all I know it's been a long time since I've actively been on Wattpad. College during COVID is way too stressful tbh and I wanted to apologize to all of my lovely readers that have stuck around through the hiatus and say hello to all of my new readers!! 

I know there are a few parts before this talking about the mini prequel I was working on that tells Lyza's story before she met Daerius and it was only on Inkitt before but I decided I should put it here on Wattpad.

So I am posting the first part to the mini prequel later today, and I will be posting the next few parts over the next few weeks. I only have the first 4 parts fully written so I will be posting them according to the following schedule:

Part 1 - February 22, 2021
Part 2 - March 2, 2021
Part 3 - March 9, 2021
Part 4 - March 16, 2021

This will guarantee weekly updates for you guys for about a month and I will hopefully be able to get back into the rhythm of writing regularly so I can start updating more than once a year (I am so sorry for that btw). 

I publish more regularly on Inkitt (I actually get paid for that) so I highly recommend checking out my profile on there, they have basically no ads and it's totally free so I like it a lot better than Wattpad. Inkitt also lets readers leave reviews which helps me tremendously!!


(Wattpad won't let me put it as an actual link but the actual link is in the comment here-->)

Please keep leaving comments and voting on the chapters!! I am trying to find the motivation to finish rewriting this book so it's longer with some better character development and more adherence to a storyline (and fewer plot holes) and it helps when I know someone actually likes this book :P. 

I hope y'all like the mini prequel series, I am not entirely sure how long it will be or even where it will end up so leave lots of questions and comments about events you'd like me to write about and stories from Lyza/other characters you are interested in!!

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