Chapter 12

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Leyton's POV

After Skylin left I played with Olivia in an attempt to cheer her up and it didn't work much, but she did end up falling asleep. I then made my way to my office in a desperate attempt to try and find answers when Charlotte came into the room with a look of disappointment.

"What did you do?" She asked.

Knowing that I could trust Charlotte, I told her everything as embarrassing as it was I needed someone to talk to at the moment and she got here at the right time her being the right person was just a bonus.

"Poor girl, no wonder she left." She said sympathizing with Skylin and making me feel even guiltier. "And then you went ahead and decided to ignore her." Charlotte said with a sigh of disappointment.

"I know, I messed up, I just could not bring myself to face her, not after I saw her heart shutter in front of me." I said as I took a seat on the couch and placed my face in my hands. "I don't know what to do." I admitted. "I wasn't even sure that she liked me back until then." I continued running a hand down my face.

"To be honest, I'm mostly on her side. You basically have been rejecting her on a daily basis since then." Charlotte said looking at me with accusation.

I gave her a bored expression not that it did anything to her. 

"You shouldn't make decisions on her behalf, let her choose what she wants. You should sit down with her and tell her about everything that's on your mind, but only when she gets back, if she does come back that is." Charlotte said with a shrug.

"Don't say that." I said not liking the idea of her not coming back, not even if I was the reason to her wanting to leave.

"Well it's true, if she finds someone while she's on her short trip or if she manages to meet an old flame she might not come back. Many men would want a woman like her, she's kind, beautiful and she loves children." Charlotte said. I was starting to wonder if she was rubbing salt onto my wound intentionally or not. I knew that she was right and that's what hurt the most plus I couldn't bare the thought of her being with another man, it sent a sour taste into my mouth.

"I cannot afford to let her go, not only for me but for Olivia as well." I said as I stood up and started pacing the room.

"That's true, but for now don't say or do anything to spoil her trip." Charlotte said with a stern look.

I nodded in agreement, not planning on bothering her on her trip. I guess we all have to lie in the beds that we make, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.

"Charlotte." I called out. 

"Hmm." She responded.

"Please bring me a glass of wine." I requested surprising Charlotte. I wasn't a person who drank unless I was at a dinner or something like that. I avoided it at all costs and almost completely stopped when I got Olivia, so it was very rare for me to request any forms of alcohol besides on occasions.

Charlotte slowly nodded but looked at me with concern. I nodded reassuring at her and tried to force out a smile at her.

Charlotte left and came back with a glass of my white wine. I thanked her and took a sip of the wine. It was only in the mid afternoon so I deceided to go back to work knowing that when Olivia woke up she would probably need my attention.

I worked but couldn't exactly focus. Charlotte's words kept repeating in my mind and the honesty of them made me nervous. I felt an emotion that I hadn't felt in a long time... jealousy.

Frustration began crippling into my every being, making me chug down my glass of the sweet alcoholic beverage. I needed another drink so badly but I knew that if I wanted to make it through this day I needed to focus and do something to keep myself busy, something besides drinking.

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