Chapter 2

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I woke up at around 05:15 so that I could prepare myself for the day, I initially had to be at the office but due to having a guest I, decided to work from home. I took a quick 15 minutes shower and then I made my way downstairs, where my chef Brianna was making breakfast.

"Good morning Sir." She greeted as she flipped the pancakes for today's breakfast.

"Good morning Anna, how many times must I tell you to call me Leyton, the is no need for formalities." I chatised. I liked having a casual relationship with all my employees here plus it kinda felt strange when they called me Sir.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." She said with a small blush. Brianna was around 25 years old and she was a new employee of mine. She replaced my old chef who recently went into retirement.

"Has Charlotte arrived yet?" I asked taking out a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Yes, she's doing the laundry, I believe." She said stacking a couple of pancakes on my plate for me.

"Okay thank you, I'll eat in my office." I said making my way upstairs out the kitchen but quickly stopped by the doorway. "Could you please prepare a bowl of chicken soup, I have a guest who I believe will be in great need of it." I said with the plate of pancakes in my hand.

"On it." She said as she pulled out a small pot to make the soup in.

I nodded with a smile and then exited the room and made my way back upstairs and to my home office. I quickly ate my pancakes and then I responded to a couple of emails for about an hour until I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I said with my eyes still glued to the screen.

"Good morning Dear." Greeted Charlotte as she entered into my office.

"Good morning." I responded looking at her with a smile. Charlotte was my housekeeper, she was in her early 50s and she was like a second mother to me.

"I just came to make sure that you had eaten your breakfast." She said looking at me knowingly.

"I have." I replied releasing a laugh but understanding where she came from considering the fact that there were times when I completely focused on work and neglected my hungry body.

"Good, let me take your plate and then I'll wake Livvy up for school." She said reaching out for the plate that had previously held my food. "Brianna asked me to tell you that the soup is ready. Are you sick?" She asked with a look of concern.

"No I'm okay, last night I took in a woman, I found her alone on the streets. She seemed lost so I offered to take her home only for her to tell me that she had no place to go to, so I brought her here, so that she could have a place to stay for the time being. I asked Anna to make some soup for her because I have a feeling that she might be a little sick, she looked pale from the cold so I suspect that she might wake up with a cold or a fever." I said explaining the whole situation to Charlotte.

"Poor thing, I think that you did a good thing by taking her in, I'll go and make sure that she is alright." She responded, her voice laced in sympathy as she made her way out of the office and gently closed the door behind herself just as my work phone began ringing.


Skylin's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, my body burning up and covered by a thin layer of sweat, but at the same time I felt so cold. I struggled to pry my eyes open, they felt as though something had stuck them together, with something like glue. 

I forcefully pried them open just to be met with an unfamiliar bright room. My heartbeat immediately quickened as fear and panic began cripping up inside my entire being. How had I gotten here, what happened last night. Just as I felt an oncoming panic attack, memories from last night came flooding back to me.

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