Chapter 1

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Skylin's POV

As I stood there in front of the building that was once my home, I felt tears well up in my eyes as my throat clogged with unshed tears. My entire heart seemed to fill up with sorrow as everything settled in, I was homeless, stranded and broke.

I felt the cold air as it nipped at my bare cheeks, but that was the least of my worries at the moment as I began walking down the street to an unknown destination. I only had 50 bucks on me and that wouldn't be enough to get me a decent motel around here.

Snow started pouring down in heavier loads as I continued to trudge down the path of nothingness, but I couldn't complain, my life has never been easy. I was raised by a single Mom because my father ran away when he found out that my mother was pregnant with me so she had no choice but to raise me alone because her whole family had abandoned her.

My Mom put me through primary and high school but she couldn't afford to pay for my college tuition and I didn't ask her to because I understood how difficult it was for her already and I knew that we couldn't afford it so instead of going to college, I got a job so that I could try to help around but it didn't pay much. My Mom fell ill about a year and a half ago and she could no longer work so the financial burden fell on me, I decided to move to the city in order to find a better paying job and I did, it wasn't that much but it helped out a lot because I could send money back home while I paid for my own rental but it was only short lived, the small restaurant that I was working at hasn't been doing well for the past 2 months and I was sadly the first that they got rid of. I had no money saved so I couldn't afford this month's rental payment so I was kicked out. 

I had no where to go, I had no friend here and I barely knew this city. I've lived here for a year, but I only travelled to work so this city was still unknown to me.

As I continued to walk, the cold began getting to me, the was barely anyone on the streets due to the snow so it was a bit deserted which made me feel a little bit uncomfortable. This place was known for its crimes and most crimes accured at these times. I regretted wearing the leggings that I was wearing right now, as my legs began to freeze and my teeth began to chatter even the coat that I was wearing was no longer providing me with enough warmth. What a bad day to be kicked out.


Leyton's Pov

"How about we get some pizza for dinner tonight?" I suggested to my 4 year old daughter as the credits for Frozen 2 began rolling down.

"Yes, pizza sounds great Daddy." She responded basically hopping around in her seat obviously unable to contain her excitement. One thing that I knew about my little girl is that you could never go wrong with pizza when it comes to her.

"Alright, let me go and order some and then we'll go and pick it up together." I said getting off the sofa and grabbing my phone to make the call.

I quickly went to order the pizza and then went upstairs to dress Olivia up in warm clothes.

"What would you like to wear Livia?" I asked as she seemed to be deep in thought probably trying to decide on an outfit.

"How about that one?" She asked pointing to her pink sweatpants and it's matching sweater.

"Okay shoo shoo while I dress up, Miss June says that boys are not supposed to watch girls when they dress up." Livia said as she shooed me out of the room which only amused me, my baby girl was really growing up, but it was a little too fast for.

"I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen then Sweetheart." I said to Olivia as I made my way down the stairs.

"Okay." She said going back into her room and closing the door.

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