Just One

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2/2 ;) K. xx <3 XD

Seven days later...

Ulla stopped her car, put her hands together on the steering wheel, and dropped her forehead on it.


Alright, Ulla, you can do it. Just breathe. Just count back and then get out of the car and go talk to him.


What if he reacts poorly?

Why would he?! It's Oli. When did Oli react poorly to anything?

Yes, he might be shocked by the news, but if he doesn't say anything, and you don't ask - it can be just left at that. It doesn't have to go further than the discussion of what happened. 

Also, you want it. You wanted it yesterday - and today changed nothing.

You'd never ask... but admit it, you're so there, Svensson. You've been 'there' since the day in the hospital.


It can be the same evening as always. You'll come in, he'll meet you with a smile, sitting with his iPad on that lovely sofa you helped Rhys choose. You'll help him to warm up supper. And then you'll help him take a bath, while dying of lust and trying to keep your eyes above his neck. Not waist. His chest is just as dangerous. Although, the defibrillator burns can sober up even the randiest of birds.

He'll probably suggest going to bed, and you'll pretend you need to work on your laptop, because there's no way you're getting under a duvet with him. Keeping your hands away from him at this stage causes literal physical pain. And he's still recovering. And no matter how much his body reacts to you touching him - as little as possible and in the most innocent way - he shouldn't overload his ticker.

And then you'll join him, hoping he'd be asleep. And lie sleepless in that bed, chewing your lip, and trying not to think of his hips, and his buttocks, and his shoulders, and his fingers deep in– Shut it. And he probably will be asleep, with all his meds.

Well, there was that one time, but you handled it well, Ulla. Well, you had to escape to the bathroom and take the second shower and 'solve your own barney' four times after one kiss - but hey, you didn't shag the bloke. Yay.


And you can play it off and say it's not a big deal, and that you'll just find something else, so that the question of the vicarage doesn't come into the equation.

But do you... want it to?

Because maybe - just maybe - he does.


Time to go.

Ulla gritted her teeth, climbed out of her Honda, and plodded to the front door.



God, what a beautiful smile! Like her coming in is the best thing that could happen.

"Hey," she muttered and put her handbag on the shelf by the door.

"What's wrong?" he asked, frowning. Um... You should probably say something? Stop hiding your eyes. He can tell something's off. "Ulla?"

C'mon, just say it. 'Oli, today at work, I was–'

"I'll go wash hands," she muttered, pushed her coat into the closet, and stomped to the bathroom.

Between Heaven and Rock (The Swallow Barn Cottage Series, Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now