Recipe Seven [Ghanaian Coated Groundnuts]

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Coated Groundnuts :

Its a snack that is enjoyed here during occasions be it birthday parties, wedding receptions, outdoorring and sometimes during traditional festivals.

Ingredients :

Groundnuts - 8oz

Sugar -

Soft flour - 8oz

Baking powder - 1tsp

Water -

Salt - a pinch.

Procedure :

(1) Measure 8oz of flour and sieve it. Then add 1tsp of baling powder and mix.

(2) Add a pinch of salt in the dry ingredients.

(3) Now get another bowl and pour half of the dry ingredients into it. So, you should get two bowls filled with dry ingredients.

(4) As for the water you don't really have to measure but it should be a reasonable amount. Get another bowl and pour water in it.

(5) Add sugar into the water. (Make sure its sugary)

(6) Now pour your groundnut in one bowl containing the dry ingredients. (You can use the raw groundnuts or the roasted ones)

(7) Take a handful of the groudnut and dip in the sugary water.

(8) Remove them out and place them in the other bowl containing the dry ingredients and mix well with your hand. You should ensure that the groundnuts are covered in the flour.

(9) Now get a pan and fill with oil. You would deep fry them so make sure you pour a lot of oil. (When i say alot a reasonable amount ^o^)

(10) When the oil is hot, put the groundnuts inside. Make sure to stir it once in a while so that they wont burn.

(11) When the coat turns brown, use a perforated spoon to remove them so that the oil will drain out.

(12) Get a tissue paper and place it on a plate before putting the groundnuts on it so that all the excess oil will leak into the tisssue.

(We wouldn't want anyone to eat alot of oil.)

(12) You can enjoy it with any beverage lf your choice!

*******emd of recipe ******

Hope you enjoyed this recipe. Until next time.

Stay safe.

The author 💞

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