Recipe Three [Pancakes]

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Ancient Greek and Romans ate pancakes sweetened with honey. The Elizabethans ate them flavored with spices, rosewater, sherry and apples. Pancakes are eaten as breakfast.

They were traditionally eaten in quantity on Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, a day of feasting and partying beginning of lent. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday observed in many Christian countries.


Soft flour - 200g

Sugar - 70g

Nutmeg - pinch (optional)

Salt- pinch




Margarine - 1tsb



(1) Measure 200g of soft flour and 70g of sugar into a dry bowl. Make sure you sieve the flour first.

(2) Add a pinch of salt and nutmeg into the dry ingredients. Note that nutmeg is optional.

(3) Now, add a reasonable amount of milk into the dry ingredients and whisk together also adding one egg to the mixture.

(4) Add one teaspoon of vanilla and 1tablespoon of margarine into the mixture and whisk.

(5) Now add little water and whisk till the mixture is watery.

(6) First place a frying pan on fire and preheat. (I advice you use a non stick pan. this way the pancakes wouldn't stick on its surface.)

(7) Scoop handful amounts with a ladle and pour in the pan. Make sure its poured in a circle to get a round pancake. Continue this procedure till the watery mixture is finished.

(8) Sere with a syrup of your choice. You can also garnish with fruits too. However you want it solely depends on you!

******end of recipe*******

I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Until next time adios!

The author.💕

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