24. Teary confession

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Jimin wiped his tears angeryly as he walked home thought the sidewalk...hair damn from the rain and clothes sticking to his skin...he was slightly shaking as he walked briskly...he sat alone at a bus waiting shed,trying to calm himself down..

Even after all this time of being with him,jungkook could easily belive he was a slut who went around kissing people...it hurt..it hurt real bad that jungkook whould say these words to him.
He knew jungkook didn't love him...but noone Actually deserved to hear these painfull things....especially from someone they loved.
He sighed, feeling stupid...why did he even think jungkook would grow to like him...
Just as he was about to continue walking,
Kookie calling....
Jimin angeryly declined the call but immediately Became worried.what if he needs something...what if he is in trouble
This was the kind of person jimin was...he couldn't stop caring for someone even if he wanted to . Looking after people was his nature...he couldn't just let others suffer...even if they deserved it. And this was the maknae who was Calling him..the boy he loved for almost 4 years..
He closed his eyes and tried to relax his still acheing heart...he suddenly wanted to go home..his parents always loved having him around...he felt like he was a wasteful presence here anyway..

He cried at the thought of home,missing his mother's warm hugs and fathers kind words. Missed a place were he was wanted, a place were he could be loved and could be himself.

His phone buzzed again
Kookie calling.....

He decided to pick up ...

'WHAT!' He asked .

'H-yung!!! Hy-ung i-i am sorry , so s-sorry! Ple-ase forgi-ve me!!!' Jungkook was full on crying on the other side of the call...his sweaty hands shaking soo much that he could barely hold on to the phone , breathless and cold.

His tone enough to worry jimin
But- 'I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME !" He said and his heart shattered as jungkook sobbed even more painfully.

'P-please hy-ung I am sorr-y i am so so-rr-y ,I will do anyth-ing ,ple-ase hyung d-on't say th-is...ple-ase' he was shaking soo much that his voice barely made it out..heart hammering in his chest as he held the phone tight with both his hands like a life line.
'Please hy-ungie!! Pl-ease don't le-ave m-me hy-ungie!! I am so so-rry so sorry!  forgive me hy-ungie pl-ease!!' Jungkook cried as he slipped on to the ground, sobbing even more painfully.

This scared Jimin, Jungkook has never cried like this...he sounded so weak and in so much pain...
He wanted to just hold Jungkook in his arms and take the pain away..

'Where are you now! Practice room!? Just stay there ok.Hyung will come to you !'
'I do-nt kn-ow ! I am in the str-ee-t..I w-as looking for yo-u'
'Where!? Which street!?' Jimin looked around and saw noone.

'I do-nt kno-w hyung !' He stared crying in full force again.'i-i don't know!! Ple-ase forgi-ve me hyungie! Pl-ease!'

'Jungkookah relax ok! Calm down and look around,find a taxi and come to the dorm..don't hangup till you get into a taxi...just take deep breaths ok,hyung is right here,I will wait for you outside our dorm.'
'O-ok! I am s-sorry hy-ung!' He cried
'Aish!! Stop saying sorry Now and find a cab!'
'O-ok!!....' he said trying to stabilize his breathing....
'y-a I got in..' jimin heard as he replied ok, he was anxious while sitting on the road side not bothered by the rain wetting his shirt.
He waited patiently for jungkook, in all their time together he had never seen jungkook cry soo much..he was a mess and jimin couldn't help but feel guilty for his state!
'H-yung!' He was distracted by the voice Nd looked in the direction to see a crying jungkook .

'Jungkookah!!!!' Jimin said as he ran to him hugging him tightly.
They stood there in the middle of the road, in the yellow hue of the single street light.
In the pouring rain...they found warmth and comfort in their embrace,and peace that they thought they had long lost..finally found its way back..
'I lo-ve yo-u hyungie!! I am in lo-ve with you' jungkook said as he nosed jimins neck,lifting him up in the hug. Jimin froze, shocked by the maknaes sudden confession.
'W-what?' He asked looking at jungkook  to see any sign of humor in his eyes..
But found only pain and sincerity.

'I have always lo-ved you , i was just be-ing a fool w-when I tri-ed to push you a-way! I was ju-st a kid when we started and I didn't kno-w how to deal with all my feelings, I felt em-barrassed when you sh-owed your love in front of the cam-eras. I know thats a terr-ible excuse for the way I acted, But I always love-d you...be-lieve me,you were my favo-rite hyung...I just didn't know how to show it. I cont-inued to hurt you with my words. It was only w-when you staye-d away fr-om me that I reali-zed how much you m-mean to me!! Forgi-ve me! I can't be withou-t you!! Please hy-ungie!! Pl-ease!' Jungkook cried harder shaking as he slowly looked at jimins tear stained face.

'I pro-mise to nev-er make you cry again!! Pl-ease forgive m-me! Please don't ha-te me ! I can't even im-agine you hat-ing me ple-ase' He said cupping jimins cheeks with both his hands,As he kissed jimin's face all over.
Butterflies fluttered around in jimins tummy...
It was the softest feeling in the world. Each kiss so delicate..yet soo special..
And then jungkook hugged him...if possible even tighter than before, still shaking, whether it was from the rain or from the overwhelming emotions he didn't know.
' I will do anyth-ing! Anything you sa-y to pr-ove to you how mu-ch I lo-ve you hyung! You are perfect,so s-so perfect...I am so-rry I made y-ou sad..sor-ry I made you con-scious of your body with my harsh wo-rds..sorry for push-ing you a-way..I am sorr-y hyu-ng...pls don't ha-te me pls don't le-ave me I love you so much...I can't with-out you pls for-give me hy-ungie!' He cried body trembling, still tightly holding jimin, like he was afraid his hyung will vanish if he let go.
'I for-give you!! I am al-ways willing to forgive yo-u!! I can never ha-te you! I can only love you kookie. My sweet baby!' Jimin said kissing jungkooks cheek.
'D-o you really still lo-ve me?' Jungkook asked eyes getting teary again.
'I neve-r stopped' jimin said suddenly feeling shy.
Jungkook looked at jimin...his eyes were swollen..nose red and cute , his adorable cheeks had a pink tint making him look eternal...he slowly leaned closer to his hyungs lips...the plum lips from his dreams...
Jimin closed his eyes....not caring about his wounded lip ,the rain or anything else. Nothing was going to make this not special for him.
His eyes fluttered shut! Waiting for the experience...


Laters my dear babies 💜

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