19. Emo Rollercoaster

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2 weeks passed in a blink of the eye , they worked their asses off with the Performances, they all had individual stuff to do as well and everything was crazy.....at the day of the musicbank everyone was super excited, nervous and exhausted.
Jimin just wanted everything to be over,he was stressed and sleepless for the past week.the showdown ,his solo performance and the band performance all together was a little too much stress for him.
But obviously he never complained, the stress and exhaustion were a part of package deal of being an idol, they were trained from a very young age to deal with it.
But what added to his stress was the maknaes attitude towards hims, after the dinner where he 'accidentally' spilt the soda on jimin, jungkook has been straight up ignoring jimin.
And jimin didn't know what to do again, jungkook had suddenly gone from offering him a piggyback ride and ordering his favorite food to acting like jimin never existed again!
What jimin didn't know,was that jungkook was distancing himself to clear his thoughts and finally was ready to accept his feeling for his beautiful hyung. He couldn't help but love him.....and he definitely did miss spending time with him. But jungkook choose to stay away because he knew if he saw jimin and taemin being close and cuddly he wouldn't be able to handle himself. He still didn't like how taemin acted around jimin, still hated taemin but refused to let his hyungs down by showing his hate! they raised him better than that.
He wanted to confess to jimin after the awards so he waited patiently.
Jimin already physically exhausted couldn't handle the maknae's emotional whiplash , he felt angery and frustrated at jungkooks attitude changes to him.
He even tried to talk to him but jungkook managed to escape everytime.

As jimin waited to enter the stage for his solo all the members wished him luck...except jungkook who remained busy on his phone...jimin sighed but choose to concentrate on performance for now.
As jimin performed , jin jhope and namjoon watched mesmerized ,they were being filmed as a reaction video, even though he was also called to join them by jin, jungkook refused...he knew he couldn't handle jimin being anywhere near taemin and was sure his face would show it instantly.
But he did watch the whole performance with a super proud cute bunny smile. His hyung was definitely something else!! How can someone so small and weak physically performance with such strength and elegance....he was breathtaking....jungkook was sure nervous about confessing his love to jimin after today's event. But in the end if all things go well he will get to be with someone as amazing as jimin....so all this nervousness was worth it....
After the event

I wait nervously shifting my weight from one leg to the other as I wait for jimin hyung to come after collecting his things.
We were all tired to the bone but...today I was going to profess my love to my jimine...
I planned to ride with him in the same car but have the car drop us at a beautiful private beach I booked for just us tonight....
Under the dark starry night, we both will stand on the beach....peaceful and content....
I will look into jimins beautiful chocolate brown eyes and tell him about how he is the most charming man I have ever met...how I will cherish him forever....love him for ever....if he let's me. I will finally be able to hold him in my arms which is where he rightfully belongs...will finally be able to feel those plum lips on mine...mark his porcelain skin....finally have the right to be mad at anyone who looks at him too long....finally will be able to break taemins face with my fist if he ever tries to patt my baby's ass.
I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach as I think about jimin being mine.....I want this sooo bad....I want him sooo bad...
It was taking a surprisingly long amount of time for jimin to come so I decided to go in search of him...
I look everywhere and start to panick...
Where is he!!!
And then my eyes land on him.....

Kissing taemin....


A girl needs so drama peeps!😉

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