C35 I'll Tell You Now

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Xia Feng seldom left work on time, but tonight he had the rare opportunity to leave early. He didn't know why, but he couldn't wait to see Yu Dong, so he drove to her radio station and listened to her broadcast.

As Yu Dong said her closing remarks, Xia Feng's eyes kept straying towards the building doors. Finally, he saw Yu Dong walking out with a scarf around her neck.

"Yu Dong!" Xia Feng got out of his car and waved at Yu Dong with a smile.

At first, Yu Dong looked around cautiously, but when she realized that it was Xia Feng, she ran towards him.

"How come you're here?" Yu Dong asked.

"I just felt that I haven't picked you up in a while." Xia Feng adjusted Yu Dong's scarf that had become undone due to her haste.

"I drive myself to work every night, why do I need you to pick me up?" Yu Dong laughed.

"But I want to!" Perhaps it was because of the dim lighting, but Yu Dong felt that Xia Feng's eyes looked very gentle tonight.

Yu Dong didn't know if it was the way Xia Feng looked at her, or if this atmosphere was lacking ambiguity, but she became somewhat uncomfortable. She lowered her head, scuffing the ground with her shoes.

A woman's feelings were strange. When they don't like someone they can boldly flirt with the person, but with someone they like, they would get nervous and shy.

Yu Dong had started to care about Xia Feng, so she began to overthink things.

She began to like Xia Feng more and more, if one day this relationship doesn't meet her expectations, she would be devastated. Yu Dong had long been worried about this.

But she never thought about this idea for very long, as she felt uneasy at the mere thought of it.

So like in her previous life, she would exhaust all her strength so that she wouldn't have the energy to think such depressing thoughts.

Yu Dong truly didn't want to be pessimistic, she didn't want to lose Xia Feng, didn't want to treat him as an objective. She just wanted to be happy with him.

"What are you thinking of?" Xia Feng lightly knocked on Yu Dong's head.

"Ah..." Yu Dong raised her head, and her round eyes were bright. "I'm not thinking of anything."

"Then what are you doing with your head down?" Xia Feng obviously didn't believe such an obvious lie.

"I was laughing."

Xia Feng looked at her, puzzled.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "You came to pick me up so I'm happy. But I don't want you to know and find out that I'm so easily flattered."

"You..." Xia Feng couldn't help but laugh. He took Yu Dong's hands and asked, "Are you feeling cold?"

Yu Dong shook her head.

"Let's go take a walk!" Xia Feng said.

Yu Dong was a little surprised at this but she didn't refuse; Xia Feng must have something he wanted to say.

The streets were quiet, they were particularly empty at this early hour. Occasionally, a taxi would pass by them, deliberately slowing down to see if they needed a cab.

Xia Feng, holding Yu Dong's hand, walked along the straight road aimlessly.

"I haven't gone out walking like this for a long time." Xia Feng suddenly said. "It's so quiet!"

"Do you like the silence?" Yu Dong asked.

"It feels calm!" Xia Feng thought that he could somewhat enjoy this kind of tranquility.

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