C30 The Happiness from Being Ill

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Xia Feng set the car heater a little higher. The tired Yu Dong was next to him at the passenger seat, sleeping.

It was an hour of travel from the radio station to the hospital, and with the dangerous roads, the drive took even longer.

Yu Dong had been very tired and was tossing around as she slept.

Taking advantage of a red light, Xia Feng took his own jacket off and draped it over Yu Dong.

Yu Dong shuffled a bit before turning towards Xia Feng. Seeing her flushed face, Xia Feng couldn't help but show a gentle smile.

Traffic during the morning peak was heavy, but the atmosphere inside the car was quiet and happy.

Amongst the millions of people in this world, only you can make me happy.

Xia Feng suddenly understood this sentence.

The car slowly drove downtown, back to their suburb. Although he was reluctant to wake Yu Dong, Xia Feng thought that it would be too uncomfortable to continue sleeping in the car.

"Yu Dong!" Xia Feng softly called out.

Yu Dong didn't stir, she just went on sleeping.

"Yu Dong, wake up, we're home." Xia Feng gently patted her shoulder.

"Hn?" Yu Dong opened her bleary eyes and looked towards Xia Feng, before closing them again. "I'm so sleepy...."

"Get up and you can go back to sleep on your bed." Xia Feng chuckled at Yu Dong's response.

"Hnnn~" Yu Dong's voice was heavy with sleep "I'm sleepy!"

Seeing that she had no intention of getting up, Xia Feng shook his head and leaned over to unbuckle Yu Dong's seat belt. He then got out of the car, intending to carry her upstairs.

Afraid that she would get cold, Xia Feng tightly wrapped his jacket around Yu Dong then hooked an arm through her legs, with the other arm going around her waist, gently bringing the person into his arms.

Yu Dong stayed asleep, but she unconsciously buried her face against Xia Feng's neck.

Xia Feng was caught off-guard and immediately stiffened at the hot skin pressed against his. He put Yu Dong back into the passenger seat and placed a hand at her forehead.

It was obviously far from a person's average temperature, Yu Dong has a fever!

Damn it!

Xia Feng buckled her seat belt, got on the car and quickly drove to the city hospital.

Once at the hospital, Xia Feng went directly into the emergency ward with Yu Dong in his arms.

"Dr. Xia? What's wrong?" Head nurse Liu worriedly asked when she saw Xia Feng running in with a person in his arms.

"Nurse Liu, please help me find a bed." Xia Feng was very anxious.

"Oh, of course!" Nurse Liu beckoned towards a nurse, and soon the small nurse pushed a bed over. She then helped Xia Feng push Yu Dong towards the appropriate ward.

Not long after, Dr. Li Ruimin, a general practitioner, hurried over.

"Director Li." Xia Feng looked over worriedly.

"Don't panic, let me take a look first." Director Li reassured.

After a series of checks, Director Li prescribed Yu Dong the necessary medicine and finally let a nurse give her an IV drip.

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