Chapter: 51

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Today Lily comes to this party with only one mission given by her beloved parents, it's to save the Prince from the evil girl whom her mother was talking about, a villainous young Miss of the Belial family who forced the prince to marry her.

She doesn't know why, but it was her role that been told to her by her parents ever since she was a toddler.

As the Prince's savior, she is destined to be the Empress of the Azure Empire.

And the biggest obstacle is the daughter of that highest-ranking noble Belial family.

'We will take care of that arrogant family, you just have to focus on the Crown Prince'

That was what her father said all the time, though she doesn't have any idea how will the lowest rank noble getting rid of the highest one, but she believes her parents unconditionally.

"I won't disappoint you, Mother"

Lily said before bowed a curtsy to her mother and the other ladies before excuses herself.

"It was sheer luck to have such a good daughter"

Said the wife of the traitor pretending to be humble in front of the noblewomen after Lily left them.

"Then give me that sheer luck of yours"

A lady jokingly added then continue their talks.

"Speaking of which, Mrs. Goldway. you and your husband used to be active in society before the sudden seclusion, but lately, you seem to be back"

Mrs. Goldway flinched hearing the abrupt question. 4 years ago, her husband tried to assassinate the daughter of the Belial family but ended up with failure.

Moreover, there was an uproar due to the disappearance of the assassin and no actual news about the body had been found since then, even a special squad sent by the temple couldn't find a single clue about that assassin slave who used to be called Phantom, hence, the temple got angry by her husband's reckless plan and asked them to lay low from society in the time being.

"Ah, that... A few years ago, my husband hired a very talented young man, his brilliant ideas in business helped us expand our trading routes to the Western continents, we need to temporarily withdraw from society to establish our expansion"

Mrs. Goldway reasoning, it's not entirely a lie since the Goldway company indeed expanding its wings to the west that makes their hands full, ever since the appointment of that talented young man as the new manager of the company, their business runs smoothly and even become more wealthy.

"Look at her so-called sheer luck that makes other people feeling envious"

One of the ladies throwing a playful sarcastic remark making the heroine's mother flattered, but then suddenly the noise of the crowd disappeared, without any command all the gaze of the guests gathered at the entrance.

There's someone at the gate with a pleasing aura.

They can feel it, the holy atmosphere that reminds them of the warmth of a mother.




The footsteps rang through the hall like a sweet lullaby.

As if waiting for the stupefied announcer to announce the name of the guests, they keep staring at the newly arrived guests.

2 elder nobles in their fifties stepped into the hall, the familiar faces appear as Marquess and Marchioness Béchamour, the in-laws to the Emperor and the maternal grandparents of the Crown Prince.

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