Chapter: 43

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"Milady, I have safely delivered your letter"

Nine said while facing his shoes, still doesn't dare to look at the culprit of his traumatic nightmare. After firstly reporting to his true master, the Crown Prince, he has no choice but to report to the Princess as well in her mansion.

"Well done, how about your resignation letter?"

"It was rejec-, huh?"

He accidentally replied, revealing the Prince's rejection of the resignation letter he submitted before reporting to the Lady.

Grizel grinned as she glances at the pale Imperial shadow guard who gets caught submitting a resignation letter to avoid her.

'Master, can't you see his mentality is on the verge of destruction?'

Athena commented as if feeling sorry for the young spy.


Grizel tapped his trembling shoulder, this time she is smiling sympathetically like an angel.

"You see, Nine. Do you know why did I appoint you as my secret messenger?"

"To keep your livestock around?"

Nine's innocent answer makes Grizel wanted to burst into laughter but still successfully holding on to her friendly face.

"It's because I feel guilty about that night"

Grizel said in her drama queen mode as if feeling guilty towards this pitiful shadow guard.


"Your trauma seems to affect your emotions, can you continue on your job as a spy in that state?"


Nine doubtfully responded, hiding emotion is a basic principle for a spy, as his expression became visible after the trauma in that fateful night, Nine couldn't be a spy again as long as he couldn't perfectly control his emotions, especially fear.

"I offered you this position and keep you around me is to overcome your fear, is it unnecessary help?"

Grizel said in a remorseful act yet cut mercilessly by Athena.

'Aah, Master is bulshitting again'

'Just shut your mouth or I'll sew it for you'

'If you really are guilty you'll manipulate his memories and made him forget his trauma, by the way, I don't have a mouth for you to sew muahahaha'


"N-no Milady, I am such an ungrateful servant for not seeing your kindness towards me, please forgive this lowly human"

Stuttering with shame, Nine for the first time kneeling genuinely in front of Grizel, the fear didn't vanish entirely but he is willing to face the reason for his nightmares.

"It's normal for you to misunderstand me, Nine. Since I tend to be a mirror. I'll be a devil for the evildoer, and an Angel for righteousness. That guild master is an evildoer who enslaved people for his own good, I need to be a Devil for him for the sake of his victims"

Grizel said with her Heroine-like act as Nine looks at her with admiration, but the opera moment was ended up with Athena's snort.

'Haaa... Master, you are a pure devil in and out. I can't believe a line of twisted words is enough to turn him into your side, this servant is just another victim of my nasty master, ugh'

"Please bear with me for this time being, Nine"

"It's an honor to serve the future Empress"

He said confidently, up until now he wishes for the evil fiancee of his master to disappear and didn't have a slight hope for her becoming the Empress of this nation, yet here he is wishing for the opposite thing after a single conversation.

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