Chapter 14

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Hailey's POV

My phone started ringing in the early morning which woke me up. I received news of my mother's condition worsened and my heart sank. Before I left the house, I remembered that Xavier had drunk quite a bit last night so I decided to cook some breakfast for him so that he will be able to take his pills with a full stomach and this could help him to get over his hangover faster. I then went to work after preparing his meal. 

Bzz buzz.. my phone buzzed and I realised that it was Xavier's message. Just when I was about to reply him, I received another call from the hospital. Originally I wanted to visit my mother when I end work but it seemed like I couldn't wait any longer. Therefore, I applied for a half day leave such that I would be able to visit my mother. 

Upon reaching the hospital, I had just remembered Xavier's text and I could only tell him that I couldn't make it tonight even though I was pretty excited when he asked me out for dinner. But I had to see my mother before I could relax my mind. After sending him the message, I headed to the level where my mother was located on. When I opened the door, the sight of her broke my heart. She had an oxygen mask and several wires connected to her arms, it was as if just a small gust of wind would be enough to snap her into two. 

I walked gingerly towards her bed, stretched out my hand to caress her sunken cheeks, which used to be chubby and full of life. A mixed of emotions were all bottled up in me. Anger, sadness, frustration, despair. Most of the anger was directed to myself, angry that why I was unable to find a stable job which provides a good amount of salary that could pay for my mother's bills. But once again, who would want to hire someone who didn't even manage to finish university? The society will always judge one by their education level, the higher the better and of course those higher pay jobs would eventually come knocking on their door. 

A soft knock was heard on the door, and Dr Mitchell was standing at the door. I went out quietly, in hope that my mother would not be woken up by the noises. Dr Mitchell and I settled down on the benches located near my mother's ward. We didn't talk for quite a while and he was the first to break the silence. 

"Your mother's treatment had been going smoothly until yesterday night when she started coughing up blood. We thought that it was just a side effect from the chemotherapy but then we conducted some test on her and realised that the cancer cells had continued to spread to her lungs. Right now, her condition is rather dangerous for the chemotherapy to continue so we have to monitor her for a while." my mind went blank when his words started to register. 

"But.... she will be fine after this right? She will be able to carry on with the treatment won't she?" my voice broke at the end. I refused to believe all these. I have faith in my mother because she's a strong fighter who will never give up. She can't give up now. I don't allow it either. Dr Mitchell patted my shoulder and assured me that he will try his best to do everything he can and told me to go home and rest. 

Before I leave, I went back to the room to take another look at my mother and whispered to her that I will visit her soon. I wanted to clear my mind so I decided to walk back home instead of taking a bus. Checking my phone, I realised it was about 10.15pm when I reached home. I didn't want to face Xavier in this state right now so I avoided him and gave him short answers before I rushed back into my room. I felt really miserable for treating him like this but he doesn't need to know about my mother. 

Although I had borrowed 3 million dollars from him, but I still need another 2 million more as my mother's condition is deteriorating each day therefore she required more care from the hospital. But I couldn't keep on borrowing money from him because that's just too shameless. I will have to find a way to make ends meet. 

The next morning I realised Xavier had went to work early and I was pretty glad that we didn't have to see each other in the early morning if not he definitely would have seen my swollen eyes and I wouldn't want to provide him with any explanation. I got dressed up and headed to work after getting a piece of burnt toast from the toaster. 

I was busy looking for more part time jobs this whole day and I finally managed to find one which was a part time waitress at a high end restaurant. I'm sure I would be able to make at least a few hundreds by the end of one week. With that, I finally was able to relax my mind for a while. 

Upon reaching home, I decided to whip up several dishes because it was sort of a compensation dinner for not cooking yesterday and also ignoring him. He came back around 8.45pm today and it was one of the earliest night. We were sitting in silence eating while he suddenly shot me a question, "Are you angry at me?" my eyes shot up and my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "Huh? Why would I be angry at you for no reason?" 

He put down his chopsticks and started scratching the back of his neck, something that I noticed about him that he would do this whenever he's nervous. "Uh, you know that night I stood you up when you've prepared dinner for me but I just came back home drunk and all that." oh, this. He thought I would be angry at him about this? I have to admit that it was so cute and funny to see him getting nervous just because he thought that I was angry. Fancy seeing a big man like him to get nervous over things like this makes my heart skip a beat. Oh god, stop beating so hard.  I might get a heart attack now.

I stifled a laughter, "Is that why you left house early today because you thought that I was angry at you? If you're wondering about that, then my answer is a no because it's fine to forget after all you're a busy man and I would show it to the person if I was mad at him or her. I won't hold back. Oh my gosh, you're so damn cute." his eyes widened when he heard the last part but then he frowned and pouted slightly. 

"You didn't just say that I was cute, oh gosh. I wanna dig a hole and throw myself in it right now."  I could see the tip of his ear started going red and I just broke out in laughter. He glared at me but I still couldn't stop myself from laughing. 

"S.. sorry.... I just haven't had a good laugh in such a long time. My stomach hurts now, shit." I held my stomach while throwing my head back to laugh and I finally stopped after laughing for like 2 minutes straight. 

How I wish life could be like this everyday. Filled with laughter and love in the house. Feeling the warmth of life.  If only time could stop here. 

End of chapter 14!!! today was so tiring because of the cny eve, but overall it was pretty fun because of all the nice food :)) yes I just love my food. 

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