Chapter 4

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Hailey's POV

I have spent the whole day at the hospital accompanying my mother. Although she was not feeling well enough to talk to me, but I already feel great just by being able to look at her. As the lift arrived to the seventh floor, I stepped into the lift. 

The lift doors opened once again at the fifth floor, when someone entered the lift and I glanced at the person who just entered. 

"It's you!" I pointed my finger at the guy who I have punched just a few days ago. Whoops.

The guy stared at me as if he saw a ghost before turning his head away from me. I wonder why is he doing in the hospital? The sudden ringing of his phone made me jump a little. 

"Hello mum, yes I'm reaching soon. Does dad need anything for his stay here? I can get for him." what? His dad is staying at the hospital? Mr Anderson is sick? 

I waited for him to end his call before asking him, "Does that mean Mr Anderson is sick? What is he doing in the hospital?" I heard him sighing before answering my question, "He fainted in the house a few days ago and we are just bringing him here for a check up, just in case." 

Before he could even continue, I shot another question, "Then, may I visit him? I just want to make sure that he is doing well." His eyebrow shot up, showing a bit of confusion before he nodded slightly at me. I then followed silently behind him, not uttering a single word. 

We soon arrived in front of a ward, indicating the room 501. He knocked on the door lightly before entering the room and followed by me. 

"Hey dad, hey mum. Uh, this girl here wants to visit dad because we have met on the lift and she just happened to find out about your hospitalisation." I stepped in front of the guy a little before I bowed my head and introduced myself, "Hello Mr and Mrs Anderson, I am Hailey Baxter and I happen to work at the book store that Mr Anderson visits everyday and I got worried when I heard about his stay here so I decided to visit him and I apologise for not bringing any fruits here." 

Both of them gave me a grateful smile before Mrs Anderson beckoned me to take a seat, "Hi there Hailey, we appreciate the fact that you care enough to visit and it is not needed to bring anything here so just make yourself feel like home." Mr Anderson also chipped in, "Right Hailey, I didn't get to introduce the both of you properly the last time so I should do so now. This is my son, Xavier Anderson, he is 27 this year and he still couldn't find a girlfriend and settle down. Sigh.... when will I ever get to see the day that he will find the love of his life and start a family of his own?" 

I heard Xavier Anderson muttered something about this is not a blind date session and about why is Mr Anderson sharing so much about his personal life. I could only offer an awkward smile because I seriously didn't know what to say. Mr Anderson then continued, "Right Hailey, I remember previously you said that you were still single right? Do you have anyone on your mind right now because if not I think I have someone perfect in mind." he shot me a playful wink before Mrs Anderson gave me a wide grin as if they were plotting something. 

"Uh... I don't have anyone in mind but I just think that this is not the right time for me to be in a relationship." that was a fact and moreover, I need to focus on earning more money to pay for mum's treatment so I cannot afford to be in any sort of relationship which I cannot even commit in.

"But you are 23 and this is a good time for you to be in a relationship, isn't it?" Mr Anderson doesn't seem to be backing down on this topic. Uh oh. 

"Dad, I still have some work to do back in the company so I shall be leaving now. I will visit you again later at night." Xavier Anderson interrupted the conversation. Yes, thank God he saved my tongue from the explanation. 

"Uh... Mr and Mrs Anderson and I shall take my leave now too because I still have to go for my shift. I will visit you again." I quickly bade my farewell and almost sprinted towards to door and almost bumped into Mr Grumpy Face. Right, my new nickname for him.

I casually walked past him, pretending nothing happened before heading to the lift. Phew!

End of chapter 4!! I feel like each chapter is getting shorter and shorter woops! I will try to write more in the next few chapters and I might leave out some details at certain parts because I think it will be too boring for you guys to read so yeah. 

What is your favourite dessert?
Mine is shaved ice and ice cream HEHEH

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