Snappy Danny

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Thank you for reading and enjoy!

** Warning: A few F-bombs. (Directed at a certain someone :l )

Danny never truly appreciated how lucky he was to be raised in Amity park, among people who may have been weird but were not crazy until he came to Gotham. No, Gotham did not have ghosts flying around and nor did it need them. Clowns, Penguins, Bats, Owls, Cats, Crocodiles etc.... Certainly made up for it. Was Gotham more of a zoo than a city? Yes. Danny just so happened to be living with the top predators.


"Just leave me alon-"

Danny was tired. They could go fight a crazy plant lady but could not hold a simple conversation! "No! I'm trying my best. The least you could do i-"

"No one's asking you to try! You do your th-"

"I am," he huffed. "I am. I don't want to live like this anymore so I'm not giving u-"

"Wait." Tim slammed the coffee pot on the counter top. "You're actually trying to deal with your issues? That's an option?" Danny slowly backed away from the boy. How much coffee did he have today? "I thought we were just accepting them and suffering. Fuck this, if you're trying to become a better person then I'm not just going to sit here and wallow on my own."

"I told you - wait what?" Danny was lost. Did he break Tim?

"Fuck this coffee!" Tim emptied his coffee pot in the kitchen sink. "Fuck these mission reports!"

"W-wait," Tim broke his laptop in half. "T-that's not-"

"Fuck Batman! Fuck Bruce Wayne!" Tim screamed, running out the kitchen.

"-what I meant..............He's going to regret that...." Yup. Danny broke Tim.

"Indeed Master Danny. Indeed." Danny jumped ten feet into the air. How in the ghost did he not hear Alfred? Was his enhanced hearing not working? Danny winced at the crashing sounds coming from Tim's room. Yup. His hearing was working 100%.

"Alfred, is he going to be......." Danny wanted to say 'okay' but no one in Wayne manor was ever 'okay'.

"Pennyworth!" Danny winced at the noise. He would forever wonder how the boys pulled off a stealth mission. "Pennyworth!"

"Yes Master Damian." Alfred made his way to Damian.

"Where is father? I demand to see him." Danny felt guilty for listening in on their private conversation but it's not like he could turn off his enhanced hearing. It was both a blessing and a curse.

"Master Bruce is in the cave however he wishes not to be disturbed." Wow. Did not want to be disturbed? He certainly wasn't disturbed by their yelling in the dining room. Danny continued to his room, getting ready for his appointment with doctor Lincoln. He would try to converse with Tim when the boy was more 'normal'. Alfred soon dropped him off. The secretary led Danny into the same room as last time. Dr. Lincoln was already seated with a cup of coffee and sugar packets on the table.

"Danny. How are you?" Dr. Lincoln smiled at him, taking a sip of his coffee.

"How do you think?" Danny hadn't slept in three days and looked like shit so that was the stupidest question ever. He wanted to scream on to the top of his lungs just how fine he was. "I'm great," he gave the man a tight smile. Dr. Lincoln lowered his coffee cup, opening and closing his mouth. "Well?"

"Someone's in a very snappy mood today. Do you want to talk about it?" Was he too snappy? He didn't really care but Bruce would not be pleased.

"No." Dr. Lincoln nodded, not saying anything. Danny did not want to come to therapy but Bruce once again pulled a Bruce. At least this time, Danny had a say even if it was irrelevant. He pretended to have a say when in reality he could do nothing, considering not seeing his brothers was not an option. He took one deep breath before starting the act. Everything in Gotham was an act. "I'm sorry Dr. Lincoln. I just had a rough week."

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