Chapter 5: The Insurgents

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Phoenix Safehouse, 6 days after Zero Hour

Danger wakes up and heads to the cafeteria. He sits next to Jackdaw and grabs a cup of coffee

"Any new targets?"

"We have one for now. We are waiting for the crew to come"

"New players in the field?"

"Two of them. Twins"

"Do you trust 'em?"

"I do. Anyways, where is Dart?"

"He went to Canada to leave Wren in Quebec. He is flying home as of now"

"The stakes have risen"

"Indeed. We have our first major casualty. Ryan won't like it"

"Why him?"

"I found Rose's name. It was Rachel Ross. Halcyon kidnapped her when she was 14. Then, they made her forget her past"

"So that's why Ryan wanted in"

"Exactly. Thank god he's safe in Madrid"

Two women enter the cafeteria

"You must be Danger"

Danger stands up

"I am. How should I call you two?"

"You can call me Zero"

"And you can call me White"

"Good. Dart should be here in a minute"

Dart enters the room

"Speak of the devil"

"Did I miss anything?"

"You can have your ceremonial introduction later. Did you drop off Wren?"

"I did. He can't believe we got him"

"That's the price of being arrogant"

Jackdaw brings some blueprints and some pictures

"This is our target. Pretty standard bank in San Francisco. But with a twist. Halcyon is using it to launder money"

"It would be a shame if it got stolen"

"Nice one. Our target, the money, is inside the vault. Does anyone have any idea how to get in?"

Danger looks at the blueprints

"There is an abandoned basement"

"How do you know?"

"Right there. In the blueprint, there is a staircase. However, there is a bookcase on the way. Which can only mean they blocked it out. Judging from the size of the property, it runs below the vault"

"Are we going for the loud plan?"

"Halcyon can't reclaim the money if everyone knows they got robbed. It would attract too much attention"

"Sparrow will get you out by heli. You will use a cage to store the money and be airlifted out of there"

"Here is the plan. Me and Zero get to the reception and take everyone hostage. Meanwhile, Dart and White will move the bookshelf, get below the vault and plant demolition charges. Once we are in, I will assemble the cage and call Sparrow"

"In the meantime, we bag the money and get it upstairs, right?"

"Yes. Not even the FBI will break in with so many hostages. However, police will bring in sharpshooters"

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