Chapter 1: The Assassin

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Black Dawn Defence Contractors HQ, Phoenix, Arizona


The concrete wall exploded, leaving a large hole. The three operatives rushed in and took the employees hostages. One of them cut open the server door while the other two planted explosives. She transferred all the data to a remote server. While they were escaping using the van, they detonated the explosives, destroying the servers and any sign of what they stole.

The van was driving in a forest when a man in a military uniform used a grenade launcher to stop them. He shot each one of them 3 times, except her, who he shot twice. Police sirens could be heard in the distance.

Capital Hotel, NY

The governor was in his suite in the hotel with one of his many affairs. Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off and a bodyguard opens the door.

"Sir, we need to escort you out of here"

The bodyguard and the governor made their way to the second from the top floor, when the bodyguard grabs him, breaks the window and tosses him out.

"Nothing personal"

As the governor was falling to his death, the man repelled from the broken window and into an alley. Everyone was too distracted from the governor's body to see him changing clothes and disappearing into the crowd.

His phone rings. He connects it to his earphones and answers the call.

"Who is this?"

"Are you Danger?"

"Who is asking?"

"A contractor. I have a job for you"

"Go on..."

Police Station, Phoenix, Arizona

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to retrieve evidence from a recent operation"

"What operation?"

"The Black Dawn strike"

"The defence contractors?"


"It was a good hit, not gonna lie"

Danger lockpicks the back door, takes a spare uniform and wears it. He walks into the offices and goes to the evidence lockers. He finds a civilian and hostages them

"What is the code to the server?"

"It's... It's 5GF67J. Just don't kill me!"

"Thank you"

Danger knocks the man unconscious and retrieves a box.

"Got it"

"One last thing. Connect us into the servers"

Danger enters the code, however, a police officer sees him. Danger pulls out his gun and shoots him in the head. He drags the body inside and grabs his radio

"James, is everything alright up there?"

"Yes, just a lawyer asking for some evidence"

"Alright, we have what we need. Clear out"

Danger goes to the rooftop and uses the fire escape ladder to go down. He starts the van and escapes.

Halcyon Operations Base, Undisclosed Location

The contractor approaches an old man. They are both looking at a photo of a military man.


"Wren, would you mind explaining what this is?"

"We have evidence that Jackdaw is alive..."

"It's impossible"

"So I thought. I shot him twice and buried him under a burning building during Monaco. It seemed safe to assume"

"Then he is coming after us"

"How are you so sure?"

"Jackdaw doesn't make mistakes. He wanted us to find him"

"We have other problems right now. We managed to trace the surviving operative"


"Yes. She was always a tough one. Police found her in the wreckage, almost dead."

"Where is she?"

"Steel Cove has got a hold of her"

"We cannot allow then to get info from her"

"One last thing, Director"


"What should we do with the assassin? Danger? Should we terminate him?"

"No, I have a better idea"

Route 66

Danger is driving when his phone rings. He answers it.

"Usually, contractors call me once. What do you want?"

"I have an offer"

"I'm listening"

"I am backed by an organisation. With interests everywhere. For a man like you, there shou..."

"Cut the shit and tell me your offer"

"Straight to the point. Alright, I'm offering you to become one of our operatives"

"Your organisation. Does it have a name?"

"It does... Halcyon"

"Where do you want us to meet"

"You should be getting a map right... now"

"I'm not that far away. I will be there in 5 hours."

"Good. You will be briefed there"

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