Death In the Forest

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Naruto couldn't stop the slight shudder that passed through him at the Genin's declaration. The tainted chakra surging through the air, the weird black markings that half-covered the Genin's face, the sudden locking on to Naruto's real position hidden in the trees, and the now slightly manic, power-drunk gleam in his enemies eyes.

This much chakra that was this potent could only really indicate a power-boost not unlike the one that jinchuuriki got when they tapped into their Bijuu's chakra. This though, was weaker. Though only he, Jiraiya, and the Elder Toads knew it; Naruto was better acquainted with the Kyuubi's chakra than ever before. Mt. Myoboku made for one of the safest places in the world for him to try using it, with several powerful toads, and several seal-masters directly on hand in case things went wrong - and Jiraiya wasn't one to pass up on opportunities like that.

He wondered whether he should go to those lengths now. He had learned to manage small amounts of the Bijuu's chakra without it's will affecting his thoughts - just enough for it to augment his speed and power to a significant degree, and more than enough to make matching his enemy here significantly easier. He felt the tiniest flare of approval from within himself that was his own, spurring him on, urging him to take a grasp of the chakra the he held and use it; and it was this feeling that made the decision for him.

The Kyuubi was of course looking for any opportunity to force him into losing control, to escape. Practicing controlling it's chakra was one thing, but to use it in actual battle; with so many emotions, so much adrenalin, so many things to weaken his control, he could not risk using it unless it was absolutely necessary.

He may be a jinchuuriki, but he wouldn't cave and use another's power the second things got difficult. He'd win, and he'd do it without using borrowed strength.

"This..." His attention snapped back to his enemy, even as he ignored a flash of frustrated anger deep at the back of his consciousness as the Fox realised that Naruto would not be using his chakra. "This is the first time I have used my master's gift in real battle before... It's power is incredible. Can you feel it? Can you feel how futile fighting has become? You cannot win."

"Relying on a power you've never used before to win you a battle is more than a bit of a gamble." Naruto stated calmly, determined to show he wasn't affected in the slightest by the chakra the Kusa-nin was bleeding.

"A gamble? This is the chakra of Orochimaru-sama himself, a gift he gives to those he considers truly valuable! The power of a Sannin added to your own. Someone like you fighting now that I have called upon it is ridiculous as you fighting Orochimaru-sama himself."

Naruto made no bones about scoffing loudly at that claim. "Bullshit." He said simply, taking no small amount of pleasure in the poorly masked indignation that his comment incited. "You really have no idea who my sensei is, do you? Orochimaru really sent you into this thing blind... My sensei is Jiraiya of the Sannin, one of the only men in the world capable of standing opposite your master and taking his head. I know the power of a Sannin. I've felt his chakra, his killing intent first hand - hell, I've sparred him and been crushed in less than a second when he got serious. What's more, I know that for each of those things, he was holding back. I was seeing only a fraction of his power. Which is how I can tell you something straight out about your power..."

"It doesn't come even slightly close. Gift or no gift, you don't even register on the concerns of your master or mine. The power has warped your judgement, and you overestimate yourself because of it. Didn't Orochimaru ever tell you that making that mistake is a very good way of getting yourself killed?"

The grey-haired shinobi's eyes were narrowed in concentrated anger, his gaze fixed firmly on where Naruto was hidden amongst the dense shrubbery, the tainted chakra focused firmly on the blond in a fierce attempt to intimidate him. "Overestimate myself? Perhaps. But it will be more than enough for you. For your insults I shall not be keeping you - you don't deserve the honour. You will just die, alone, and in agony, before being forgotten by the world. Your body, and that of your team-mate will be left for the forest to consume."

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