The Result of Training

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Naruto looked down to the wooded area in which the Iwa ninja had retreated into. 'Why would he try to hide in there, rather than move straight to the gates? Unless, he's trying to shake me. But... something still doesn't add up. Where the hell are the ANBU for a start? And why didn't anybody else hear that explosion?' Naruto ground his teeth together. None of this made any sense, but any answers he could figure out here were meaningless unless he saved that girl. 'So, he's using the tree's for cover, and going on what I saw earlier, he's pretty awesome at setting traps as he runs. Fine, I guess I'll have to play this one safe.' As he spoke two Kage Bunshin burst into existence alongside him, and set off into the forest, directly following the trail left by the shinobi; one leading the way and another hanging back slightly. The real Naruto followed the pair at a distance, staying just out the pair's eyeshot, meaning he would be out of sight should they come across the shinobi.

It wasn't long before the merit of taking the few seconds to think and strategise before acting became all too apparent, and all of a sudden he was incredibly grateful for all the extra reading he had done once he had finished with academy. And especially grateful towards that weird Jonin that had advised him to do it.


"Raiton: Kaminari Muchi!" The lightning crackled off of his hand in way that was almost natural to him after two weeks of trying to master the technique. And despite the sweat exuding from just about every pore on his body, the heavy panting and the slightly lopsided way he was carrying himself, signalling the onset of exhaustion; he couldn't help feeling slightly smug, as the tree he had targeting let loose an almighty groan before toppling to the ground, causing a large tremor to reverberate around the clearing that he and Jiraiya had been using for a training ground. And for once, he found himself missing the presence of the self-proclaimed 'super-pervert', so that he could admire his handiwork.

"That's not bad you know, you still haven't quite nailed the control, but that will come with time I suppose."

Naruto stiffened and began to frantically search for the source of the unfamiliar voice, and his eyes very quickly settled on a man, leaning against a tree nonchalantly reading an orange book that was suspiciously familiar. And whilst his face was masked, the Konoha Hitai-ate that was tied around his face, covering his left eye marked him out as an ally.

"Who are you? And how come you're here?" Naruto questioned, his exhaustion temporarily overshadowed by his curiosity. The man in question straightened, and placed his book into the kunai holster at his waste.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi, and I am the Jonin Sensei who was due to take you onto my team, before Jiraiya-sama agreed to make you his apprentice."

"Oh right! But that still doesn't explain why you're here though. I mean, I don't wanna be rude or anything; but this is a little bit far to come, just to say that." The blonde stated, throwing the Jonin a confused look. Kakashi's eye curved, creating what Naruto surmised was a smile.

"Ah, not as slow as you look than, eh?" Kakashi asked, causing anger to flare up in the Genin in front of him, much to his own amusement. However, he continued, as though oblivious to the rage he had generated in Naruto. "Well you're right. I came out here to have a quick talk with you, before I begin preparations for my own Genin team." Kakahi sighed through his mask, his eye losing the smile it had before. "I was the student of the Yondaime, your Father. And, as a result of the council's mistrust-" The masked shinobi's voice had begun to fill with venom as he spoke, forcing him to strain to regain his composure. "-due to the Kyuubi, I was forbidden to make contact with you, outside of my shinobi duties."

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