Part 39(Final episode)

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Her bare feet touched the floor of the living room.A chill ran down her spine because of the coldness.It's been a month since she got her consciousness back.In this month,she was forbidden from walking. She was literally treated like to a baby princess.

But today,she decided to sneak out from her room.But her legs were still weak because the numbness for an almost year.She held the couch and balanced herself well.She was tired because she had to come downstairs for about 30 minutes.She knew that if her brothers get to know about her stunt today,they will scold the shit out of her.

But she couldn't lay on the bed like that.She wasn't used to be weak.She again wanted to stand up from her legs.Sweat was forming on her forehead. She slowly let go of the couch and took 2 steps forward trying to walk without a support. But she couldn't even take another step when she felt her leg going weak again.Her breath got hitched fearing for the impact but,
She felt two arms wrapping around her body not letting her fall.She fell into his embrace.She quickly looked up.

"A-Appa,"she whispered with wide eyes.

Mr.Kim smiled softly and kissed her head."Do you want to walk?"he asked kindly.

Sol-ah nodded hesitantly. Just then,Mrs.Kim came.She gasped seeing sol-ah outside."sweetheart!"

Not a second passed, boys also came from outside."Omma, we arranged--"Jin cut himself off seeing Sol-ah in his father's embrace. "Princess!what are you doing here?!"

"Who brought you downstairs?!"Namjoon also freaked out.

"Yah!Don't tell me you came down alone.Jungkook!did you bring her?"Taehyung asked turning to Jungkook.He shook his head.

"I swear it's not me this time!"Jungkook defended himself.

"Boys!calm down!she came by herself.She wanted to walk"Mr.Kim said wanting them to stop their bickering.

"But appa--"Yoongi was cut off by Mr.Kim.

"It's okay Yoongi.It's time for her to walk again"he looked at his adorable daughter. "I still remember how you walked for the first time.You were the last one to walk.Even Jungkook could walk before you.So,we all cheered you and encouraged you.Let's re-do the scene.shall we?"

Mr.Kim balanced her daughter and walked backwards towards his sons. They all walked backwards and stopped.

"Sol-ah,honey,come to appa"Mr.Kim cooed like he's talking to Sol-ah's child self.

Sol-ah couldn't stop her laughter. "Appa,I'm a big girl now"

"But still you are my little angel.Come on.Come to appa"Mr.Kim clapped and signalled her to take a step.

"No!come to Jin oppa princess!I have a chocolate for you!"Jin also joined his father.

"Piss off hyung!Baby Sol-ah come to Yoongi oppa!"Yoongi did a cute aegyo and swearing to his older brother.Instantly he received a smack by Jin.

"No~taetae oppa loves you more than them!come here!"

Just like this, they bickered and encouraged Sol-ah to take a step.Sol-ah felt all giggly today.She slowly took a step forward.

With all their encouragement, she could walk again.But still she felt wobbly.

"Sol-ah!come to the person you love the most!"Jimin screamed.

Sol-ah stopped for a moment.She looked at everyone thinking hard.She again started to walk like she decided. Everyone was nervous. She approached them slowly.She stood infront Hoseok who was in the middle making his smile go wider and wider but soon disappeared when she passed him.She passed everyone going towards the door.

She suddenly stood infront of the new person who arrived.Her family looked back.

Sol-ah was face to face with Lee Jongsuk.She looked back and smiled mischievously and hugged Jongsuk's neck.

"Yah!you--"Jungkook yelled in disbelief.

Jongsuk chuckled before hugging her back.

"This is inappropriate!how can you do this infront your appa" surely felt jealous seeing his daughter selecting his soon to be son in law.

Sol-ah turned to them with a smile."You just asked a question like which eye I love the most.I can't choose one person.I can't count my love for you all.It's uncountable. If I can say a word for my love,it will be infinitely. I love you all to the point I can literally give my heart for you all.So,don't make me choose"she said with her all her whole heart.

Her family melted hearing her words.

"You don't need to give us your heart.Because you are the heart of this family"Namjoon said with a soft smile.

Soon Jongsuk interrupted them by clearing his throat."Sorry to disturb but since she already chose me,I'll steal this little sweetheart for me"with that he lifted her in bridal style.

"Yah!put her down you moron!"Jungkook screamed."She will fall!"

Jongsuk stuck out his tongue playfully and ran away with Sol-ah in his arms.All the 7 boys ran after him to take their sister back from the thief.

They ran to the garden.They all tried to catch Jongsuk while laughing hard.Sol-ah was smiling nonstoply.

Kim couple looked at them from afar with a soft smile.

Jongsuk sat sol-ah on the grass ground and sat next to her.Her brothers also sat surrounding her.

Finally,her curse disappeared. A shield was placed around her to reverse that curse.That shield was non other than her brothers.She smiled without any worry in the world.Just like she dreamed.A world without any fears.A world without nightmares.She went through a lot.A total dark hell.She went from a slave to a queen in that hell. The hands which was covered by blood,today hold the love.The love in her hands kept her sane every time she was about to go insane.

This is her story with her annoying brothers.They were born as a family and drifted apart by the fate.And he same fate brought them back together as strangers.The bond they shared was strong.They cried,smiled,fought.But their love stayed stronger.Because they are a family.

A family filled with love.Family is not about how much you fight or hate each other,it is about how much you love them and care for them.You may fight every single day,but your sibling will be with you in the most crucial moment in your life with you.Because you are a family.



Ok,first of all,hello guys!

We all came a long journey huh?Is it tiring?But I loved every single time I wrote this story.

So,thank you sooooo much for showing your love to me.It encouraged me to write this story.I may have not replied your every single comment but I tried my best to atleast give my signature two purple hearts whenever you say 'thank you' for me.I was really busy in these days so I couldn't give the two hearts but I'll give you the two purple hearts as a thanking way for you all


You guys were really kind to me and you're the best readers in the world.Love you so much.

How do you feel about the story?comment down so I can see if I did a good job.


See ya soon!

-Author xu Zen-

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