Chapter XXXV

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The next morning when he woke, he couldn't rouse Dante. Dante was still breathing, but it was an ugly, ragged sound.

He knew in his heart that the end was near. Dante wouldn't survive another day.

Getting to his feet, he tore the pine boughs from the walls of their room and broke them, an anguished yell leaving his throat. His head was buzzing and his chest filled with rage at the injustice of it all. As he slid to the ground, tears dripped from his eyes. He couldn't accept this.

Maybe Dante wouldn't take action to avoid his own death, but Dante couldn't do anything now

Which meant he could.

He was going to change fate.

His throat tightened as he thought of what this meant. Saving Dante would mean giving his own life in the process. It was never something he had considered before, but Dante had changed his life in many ways. He loved Dante more than he had ever loved anyone or anything, and knowing Dante would live would bring him peace.

Leaving Dante in their room, he slipped off to see God. She seemed to know that he would be coming, and he sensed her sadness as he knelt in front of her.

"My child," she said, "is there anything I can do to convince you to act otherwise?"

"Can you save Dante?"

"I cannot."

He shook his head. "Then I cannot stay. As much as I love you, and as much as I love Heaven and the other angels, I cannot stay."

"I have always loved you, Ariel, and I always will. We will mourn for you and Heaven will be forever changed."

A sob broke from his throat and he gazed up at God, taking in her warmth and light.

"Even though you've made choices I don't agree with, I'm proud of you," God said. "You've loved even when it was difficult. You've loved against all odds. You've stuck to your convictions and you're choosing to give your life for someone you believe is good at heart."

"Thank you," he whispered.


Back in his room, he hoisted Dante onto his back and walked out to where his friends were gathered. He saw the fear in their eyes.

"Is he...?" Charmeine began.

He shook his head. "He's still alive. But not for long, unless I do something about it."

"What do you mean?" Jael asked.

"I'm taking him back to Hell."

Their voices rose in a chorus of protest.

"You can't!" Jael cried. "You'll die as soon as you enter!"

"I know."

Charmeine came to him, tears falling. "Ariel, please don't do this. Dante made his choice."

"And I'm going to make mine."

"You need to think this through," Raguel said. "This is not a decision to make hastily. Dante has told you that he doesn't want to return to Hell."

"And he'll have to forgive me," he said, determined. "He loves Earth as much as I do and he can spend his days exploring. He can still have a good life."

"But don't you think everything about Earth will remind him of you, and your time together?" Laila asked, tears in her eyes. "Do you want to put him through that?"

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep his emotions at bay. "I don't want to hurt him, but he deserves a chance at a happy life." Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and looked from one of his friends' faces to the next. "When you experience love as strong as my love for him, you can't stand by and watch your soulmate die." He turned to Charmeine. "Would you let Laila die?" And then to Raguel: "Would you let Pravuil die?"

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